Page 33 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 33

Lessons 13 to 16 Review

            English in Action                                     Speak Now

            I  Preview
                                                                  13 Example convesation
                                                                  A: ll l want to be a succ€ssful  novelisr I rhink  1 rleed
                                                                     lo read  a lot o( books to gct an idea about \\,hd!
               Answers will vary.  sam  p  e a.5we,.
               1. /          5.                                      interests people.
               2.            6. ,/                                Br \ta|. Ard short-tcrm,  you probably  haYe to
               3.{           7.
               4. ./         a./                                     lrorl(  iD restaura  ts Nhile   )ou  are x,airing  for
                                                                     vour big brcirl<.
                                                                  Ar And alter I wlite mv firsr book,I ha\€ ro ger
            2 Practke                                                sorne  people I trust ro read it. The) can tell me
                                                                     ho\{'to  improve it.

                                                                  14 Exomple  conversotion
                                                                  A: Being  a \.ideo gane  creator isn'tillst  ftn. What
               Answers willvary  forrhe  second  question.             ould  ,vou  brnrg to our organizatior?
               Advlce from  Nlaria and Tom:fumbers  t, 3,4,  and 6 tn
                                                                  B: UreI, I'nr credtive and I no|k rvell t'ith others.
                                                                  A: Thatls  importanr.  And what is thc biggest
                                                                     challcrge  ,r'ou'r'e  elcr faced ir,voltr jobT
                                                                  B: Orre  tl1ne we were to derel,:)p  tive ncr\
                                                                     gimes all at the same  tirne. This was hard
                                                                     because I car1  be a llttle disorganized.  Bur we
               Answers will vary.  Samp  e answer                    worked logether  and fillished  e\.eqthing  before
               1, Tom is happy  because  things are going rea lygreat.  the dcadlines.
               2, A ex has to qivea  presentat  on aiworktomotrow/
       'tstand publi.speaking/he!  neverspoken  in  15 Exampleconversation
                 f o' or .uch. l"  9F 9,oL,p  oofo e. o  10  I  i. oos  A: To use this photocopie!  thc firsr thing
                 9oin9  to be there.                                                                   )'ou  need
                                                                     to do is enter your  emplol-ee  code.
               3. Alex! boss  s a diffi.ult person/she!  reatty
                 control  ing,                        B: Thai  mdkes sense- t he compan,v rtants  to knorv
             ' 4. l\laria  su ldoesnt have  ajob.                    1\,hich departm.nt to charge  the copies ro.
               5. [4aria aidTom  are encourag]n9  Alex ro keep
                 workinq  on his presenlaUon.                     A: Right. The nert siepis...
                                                                  16 Exanpleconversotiot
                                                                  A: Todat  I'm going to talk about the t\o best
            Whdl kind ofjob  does l,laria lvant?  (Nl.rnagerrenr.)   rcstaurants in thls neighborhood.  !-irst,  I want
            Ho$'long  did thev  pracrice? (Three  hours.)            to talk aboui  the llexican resiaurnnt.  Ther
            \\.h)'does  Xlar]a  s.rr  "Nla,vb€  nanagencnt  jsn't  for  rJ\ee\r \.  rJJr nn,lr^ .ar i ,rgir. tt,e
                                                                     servings are huge,  and the prices are reasonable.
            me'? (After  worl<ing l\'ith Aler for rhrce hours,  she'.s
            lcss certain  shc ryants to help peoplc  lear|r horv to  Ner.t, Iil ljke to tell vou about rhe  Iaparese
            q:\(,.ri.e1  t'ur ..rClr.<r  rob"Jpr<.<r  ra io r.       restaurant just down the  streer from rhe school.
                                                                     It has the  best raw fish, called sasrirrr, iD to1tr1.
            [perhaps  ore ofhcriob requlrernents  as a manager]
                                                                     Thev  flr il ir fresh every darl To r,rap up, rhere
            in the [Lture  ]
                                                                     are lols ofgreat  restaurants rlear our schooi, so
            Uihat happeied  at thc errd? (,\leni  hoss te{ed  hnn
                                                                     lct's ha\.e fun cnting together  onc night  after
            to sa1'hc doesdt have to do the presentation.)
                                                                     .lass. Does  an).one ha\.e anI questiolls?
                                                                 B: \bu mentioned sasni/ri. Is it expellsive?
                                                                 A: \\,ell,  it's not cheap, but $,e could ordcr one
                                                                     plate for ser.eral ofus. lhat Nould nal(e it mor€
                                                                     reasonable. Arc there anv other questions?

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