Page 30 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 30

Lesson 14 l'm very organized.

                                                               B: I think  I'm organized, but people who look at my
                                                                  room dont thinkso.  I know where things arc:
         l  Vocebulary
                                                                  but theY  jlrst  see  a mesg.
                                                               A: So is that your  biggest  weakness,  too?

                                                               4 Listening
            Answers will v.ry- SamPle  answe(
            /  deiailoriented /  a haid worker
                                                               icD  1, Track  361

          2 Conversation                                             Lina      Gil          Lina      Gil

          ICD  1, Trac( 3sl

             Atuwers wilt vary for se.ond qu€stion. Sample
             .on€  of Kyle3 stengths is his o€anizatlonal hhiliiies.
             Hds  also €ffirient and  can  keep  track  of diff€ient  tasks
             ar  rhe Jame  tlmp.les  al5o d learr  player. his wpdknets  B
             is that sometimea  het too derall oriented.
             Yes,  I rhink he will O€!tha  job.

                                                                   Lina  only had  one dayto  itepare  for a presentation  for

                                                                   6ll manaqed  ten  pioieds  atthe  sametime.
             ollvia:All  ght, Kyle.  NowiB  Iike to.ask  whatwould
             y6u biing t0 our organization?3
             Oliv a: Ilee2                                      5 Speakwith confidence
             Kyler  Also,  tm extremely  efiicieni. 4
             Kyle  Good  questiDn,WelL  once  I had  to wo*with a
             te.m of30  people.l

                                                                   Ansrers willwary.  sampletnswer
                                                                   Greatest strenqths:  coope;tiv€,  godd  people  skills
           3 Language Booster                                      Biqqest  weaknedses:  I usad io be unorganized but lpw
                                                                   l'm very  organized.  sometimes  l'm too ddrailoientEd,
           A                                                       butthat can beusefulwhen  l'm doing research.
                                                                    Bigqeit  challenqes:  nbt  being  able  to ask oth€6 forhelp
           Tell students that phrases  such as  ,ell, leli see, and
           l€r ,r; rftirk alto1v the speaker to  Pause  and gather  B
           h1s/her thought! before continuing.  Explaln  that
           thev  are aalled  fillers, and these fillers  are  prefemble  Exomple conve$otion
           to ;ilence  be€ause  they  tell the listener  that the  A: What  are   grcatest strelgths?
           speaker  understood  the question.                               Your
                                                                 B: I coopente  $'ith people. I think I have   Sood
                                                                    people skills.

           Exomple  aonvetsation
           A: What is your  gteatest  strength?

           1a       Lesson l4
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