Page 38 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 38

Lessons 17 to 20 Review

         English in Action                                     Speak Now

         1 Preview                                             Provide  an enmple  of each corversatio[

                                                               If m.ny  students need  more praciice  with a
            Ansers willvary.  Sample  answer                   particular  uilit,  you might want to review it ir class
            Ittilnk Ab, feelsiress€dout  He might feel that way
            because he ias a lot ofdeadlinet                   17 Exdnpleconve5ation
            Ithi.k  Ntariz,  Alex,  andTom are.losinO then  eyes and
                                                               A: What are yorr afraid oI?
            imaqin;hs sohethinq  wonderful.
            lthink thEy are dolng rhis to tryto  rela*         B: Well, I'm terrifieal of pubiic speaking.
                                                               A: Wny doni  )ou  prdcrice  \pedking,rlone  or in
                                                                  front ofa  pet? Then yoa could  ptactice in froni
         2 Practi(e                                               of oae lriel d, and thea  a few ftiends. Slowl1
                                                                  youlll gain confiden e.
                                                               B: Thatt a good idea.  Thanks.  So. what's... ?

                                                               18 Exahple  conve$ation
            Answeia will v.ry,Sam pla ahswer
            Ycs, they  were./No,  they  w€renl-                A: I'm under  a lot ofpressure because  I have too

                                                               B: In my experience,  it's better  to focus on one
                                                                  small projecl  at a time. ]f you think about
                                                                  eve+hing, itt overwhelndng.  But if yox think
                                                                  about  one small thing, you feel a sense of
                                   6.N1                           accomplishment  and can then move on.
            3. [4                                              A; Thats great advice.   'I'hanks.  How about you?
                                                                  What causes you  sffess?

                                                               19 Exonple  convercotion
         3 Disruss
                                                               A: IfI could do anlthing, Iit be a fanous actor.
                                                               B: Oh, really? $ty is that?
         Exofiple  aonveBation
         Ar  'What  advice  wodd you .give to Alex  and Malia?  Ar It would be fun to meet  famous people and be
                                                                  recognized  by fans.
         B: Well. Id lell lhem bolh ro l,ike Tom'\,id\r. e.
                                                               B: Interesting.  If I.ould do,aqthnrg,...
            They  can start small  in plays. Thaiwill help
            Alert fear ofpublic speaking and Mariat chance
            fot n careet  in acting.
            I agree. So what causes you the most stress,  ard
            how do you deal with it?                              stildents  mustffrstwrite  dbwn two  more  regrets.
         D: Deadlines  cause  me themost strcss. I tryto get      Answ€is  will vary- Sample a.swer.
                                                                  spendihg  too mu.h money  on clothes
  }{hiitg  done ea.1y  so I donl have  the  stress
                                                                  watching sports  a lot
            ih the frst p1ace.
         E, Thats a good idea, but not always practical. Leti
            go on. What is y1:ur dream  job?                   Exonple  conversotion
            Id love to be a flight attendant.  IA need  to be  Ar What  do you lvish  lou  could do diflerefily?
            ittile to l\,ork without much sleep,  so I dodt think  Br We1l,  I wish t hadfl  t stayed out so late the other
            I'11 ever have that job. I ha1.e  to have ter hou$ a  nlght. I didnt  siudy for the test. And I also
            nightl How about you?...                              reg(ef.,,

         26       Lessons lT to 20 Review
   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42   43