Page 37 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 37
Lesson 20 lwishlhad...
& I wish IA taken school more
l Vocabulary A: Wn-at dd you wish you coi{d do differently?
B; u'ell I goi good gradei, but I didrit study io
leam, just to prss te.ts. IfI .ould do it over, I
ould study to rnatc m],self a better person.
AnawErl. will vaiy- $lmple b*,ii€n.
Yes Nq Som6times 4 Listening
3. A
/ 1.
a. I _2. 7.
{3- /a.
B )s. 10.
Exqmple aonve$otion
A: I goofed offsametimes, but I was a pretty
ICD ZTh.k I rl
good student.
B: I goofed offall thetime.I goi in trouble a lotl
1. Clarn went to the .itv. If she .ould do it aqain,
ih€ would go to the mountaintto 60 hilino ahd
2 Conversation swirnming in; la(e.
2. Jaekwenrro Sourh tsea.h.lf he c.ruld do it aqain,
A he woulo 90 rc Baler Bed(h r, d (omF homeon
Situr.dav $ight so he<oukl lejllXt5lodav
Nina reqrets not takinq schoolmor€ ser-ioust. 5 Speak with Confidence
If Nina couid do somethinqrdifferently, she wolrld not
hav€ gotten involved in a cliqde be€ause maybe she
wduld hav6 b6n? beter Ftiidenr-
Answeis will vary. 5ambl6?hswer.
1, not Iearnirg more sporB
2- not gDing on va(ation with rny Iamily
PiuLAreyou taking b math class th is semester, Nina? 2
3. nor meeri-q mv frienos on Sdlurdry nighr
\ina:Yedh. ldo...lw'.h I hdd ralei school no,e
Nini: lwish I hadnt gdtren tryglved init
only { had:had nicerfrieidr I mlght hivd,be€n a bett€r
Eiomple conversation
Nina:Youre iight. 3
A: What do you wiih you had done differently
last )'ear?
B: I wish IA taL€n a vacatioir lvith my family.
3 Language Booster C: Really? I wish lA taken r vacation wiJh my
fiiends, rT ot my family.
B A: So il you could do sqmething over from ,vou-r
childhood, ,hat wonld you do ditrerently?
Example aonversation
A: What'.s one regre! you have tom youi early
teen years?
Lesson 20 25