Page 20 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 20
Lesson 6 Are you up for...?
Optional Aetivity
Before studentS opcn their books, have thern tatk 3 Language Booster
ibout hhal l5e\ usuaJly do on the *eekend.
Polnt out that ,!e dont sdy no d ecdy and that r'e.
l Vocabulary often show our ilesire to go befdre declining-
Exomple conve$ation
Aniw€rs $ill vary sample dnswer. A: Are you ln the mood to gq to Lisa's art
/ 1, show tonlghl?
. 2,
{3. B: Sorry I promised my roommate I would
help tonight, but maybe I can :wing
by .iter-1rfid,
Optional Activity
Har.e students get inte pai$ and rephrase each of the 4 Listening
sentences, using diff6ren! eryressions in place of the
bolded phrases. Sample nn${ers; 1. On Friday ard A
Saturday nightq I usu,r.lly'\a,"11t to ga out. ,. I like to
go to (walch) a movie with nry liim{s once a week
or mote. 3. I like to go out to eat wilh least
once a week. 4, T\'n really trusy, but l'll iry to come
for a little while- 5. l like to goto nerr restaurant! b.4 d.3
\\enever I (an.6. lm u'urlJy really t'.ed after
work dr school, sb I dont go dudng tha weekdays.
7. On some night6,I just doni leel like going out,
tcD I,Tra.k 16l
so I stay home.
1. she's goir-rg to s€e e
2 Conversation a: 5he feek sick-/She
tcD r,Tra.k l5l Optional Activity
Whb made plans to lreet anbther time, and when?
(Convetsation twor They will meet at 7:00 the next
de'.lines Bruno! Invitation becalseshe hajro srldy niliht. Conversation three: He may come afier work.
Conversation four: sayr.she'll bring Maria some
Bluno ls going to qo tg a Thqi re.Etaurant for dinner. chicken soup in halfal hour)
5 Speak with (onfidence
8runo. Hq4 Max,..l Wqethinking we couldlry ortt.the B
new lialian restauranton Market Strcqr. l
lva* i'ii hot reallyin the mood to qo ou!a.tually.l/m Exdmple conveBotion
prsitiy be;l 3
A: Do you feel like trying out the new cale
Liit: I really wlsh I aouJd, hUt,I have to siudy
Enrnoi sure, l'll eat ahy.thjng atth,s iroint 4 B: I wish I could, but I have to. work.
8 Lesson 6