Page 21 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 21

Lesson 7 I had thought she was...

            l  Vocabulary                                         4 Pronunciation

            A                                                     A

                                                                  Fxplain that rve use liJlirg intonation  to sho\{ false
               Answers will vary.  5ample  answe,.
                                                                  assumptions, eve. if the_v come in the middle  or at
               1. Sidney        6. Darrell
               2. Ylki                                            the eDd of the sentence.
                                8. Kyle
               5. Kim                                             5 Speak with Confidence

                                                                  Allo1\,  students to makc up nrmes ifthcv feel talking
            In pairs, have students talk about lrherher the,v  feel
                                                                  ,bo r. \.., r . .r  . \.u rp, u,r, .u. n L'rr (r,ei,
            peoplc  are bor'n *-ith these personalii).  irdils or the
                                                                  reiationsh4)s  \r.ith  classrnates.
            traits de!elop  o\,'er tinre.
                                                                    Answ€rs will vary.  Sampleanswer.
            .  Nlonitor  the students to Jnnke  sure thev  are       Names  First assumptionr  What  you teained
               not being  mean or hurting the ieehrgs  of            Randy shy              really k nd
               oiher studcnts.                                      F.h    rea ly hard working  wants  to have  lun
            .    .rJdcn(.  .jo'r. r..c rl. Joj(..r\(.  ir tl-.                              more than stldy
                                                                    Stan  inrecure          humble but
               d(- r  fl:o  r.. e r.oJrJge  l,o'rr  e-. ...onr r.n                          self confident
               1lhich adjecti\,'es describe the people.

            Optional  Activity                                    B
            lr pairs, have students talk about which  adjecrives
                                                                 Exa nple aonversation
            people  l,robablv  use to describe them. pro\.iding
            reasons lbr their  ans$,ers.                          A: Urhen  I first met Ri.h, I thought  h€ iras really
                                                                     hard workirg,  but it iu,rs oul that h€ doesrit
                                                                     strLclv r'en hard.  Hc wants to have fun more than
            2. Conversation                                          learn English,  e\.er1 drough r.e are onlv m the
                                                                     United St.rtes for r l'ew months.
            A                                                    B: So, $,hat  rrcdre  sayint  is, the two ofyou  have
                                                                     ver,\'di*ircnr goals for  ]rcur  time in rhe United
               ii;;;"                                                States.
                                                                 A: Ycah.  Ho1\'  about  1ou?  \fhat was an assumption
               At the beginninq  ofthe conversation,  Anna thinks
                                                                    th.t vou liter lcarned  \,asdt right?
               5usan  is.onceited.  Anna ako rhifks thar S!san
               At the end ofthe  conversation,  Anna  rea  izes  S!san
               may bequiet and introverted, not.onceted, so she
               decides  to try ro ralk with her

            cD  I,Tra.k l3l

              Add tional  sentences underlined.
              Crystal:Yeah,  know  her.We  had  a few  classes
              together  last  semester.  Whv do vou  ask?
              Anna:  don'tthink  she likes me.  she s€emr  kind of
              .on.elt€d.  5he never  ialks to me.
              C'l r": .e.r  do.O,.F re'eir(oab,t"br"^.rh-e
              she opened  !p.U& set  alono  oreat now
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