Page 16 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 16


          Lesson 3 I can't stand it when. . .

          1 Vocabulary                                          4 Listening

                                                                lco  1,1ra.k  o8l

                                                                                          a. l
             /  when  salelireopleare  rud€                        b-2                    d,3
               Whqn a serler ignores me
               when  people  Btare at me
               when  people  leave dirty dithet                 B
               when  peoplelle  arrogant                        lCD  r  , Id.k.o3l
             /  when  peode  chew loudly
               whenpdople  have  poor  drivlng €tiqu€ft€
                                                                                          3, no
                                                                   2.  yes
                                                                Ifstudents  have difficulries  with numbers I and 3,
          Exomple convetsation                                  point out thal sympathlzing do€s not alwa)'s  mean
          A: One of my pet peeves is when  people interrupt     the person has the sane pet peeYe-
             me. I think iit rude  because  ihey think what
             they  have to say is more ihportant  than  what I  Optional  Activity
             Am  salirg.                                        Ha1"e  students get into pails and talk about  whether
          Bt I agree. Itt one ofmy pet peeves, too. I try not to  they  have the same  pet peeves.  providing  reasons
             interrrrpl,  ard I want people to do the same.     for their ansrsers.  Alse ask them to discuss. ho](.  they
          A: Another  pet pe€ve is lvheo  people  chew 1oudl1..  would handle  eacb sitlration.

          2 Conversation                                        5 Speak with Confidence

                                                                   Answers liill vary. Studenii should  lo  pler€ the
                                                                   char  with names  and  petpeeves.
             Marco  i6:annrtdd becaulb a  dly  taiked  d  u rits the
             moviE Matco  Wbht  to.                             Encourage  students  to ask follor-up queslions  and
             lenny  !nd_  N4aiao  afe.ahq  An no)€d  at  pedple  who teit  ma\e notes in the margim oftheir books.
             dudns  mgvi€e chewthen pop.on  loudly, and don'i
             $ row  nway iheir tash a{terthe movies.
                                                                Ellco1lmge  students to irclude the details they
                                                                lea red when  they  asked  follow  up questioN.

             lenny: What3  wrons,  Nlerco??:
             M;rco:  Yeah, I hear you.  4                       A: Sam sald he hates  getting  email forwards from
             Jennyj Oh, ranie heiel l                              his parents.  They  lre alwais about the presideni,
             N4arcar  Maybe:wsihorld  ilrlt  siart  watchinq  Brbvies.  al  aIId he doesd!  want to rcad them.
             hotuafrotn now  tirri. 3
                                                                B: That is interesting.  Natsuki  srid she cddt atand
                                                                   people rvho only  wear one colot, like all black. I
                                                                   dont ses a problem with it, though. They're just
                                                                   expresring  thernsel.res.
                                                                G Margret said shd hates it when  p-eirple  text her in
                                                                   the n ddle of ihe night and it wakes  her up.

          4        Lesson  3
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