Page 14 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 14
Lesson 1 I learned a lotfrom...
Page 2
I Vocabulary 3 Language Booster
IIIHWTifl nlronlillfl lnfl llffi nffi liitirtlliiltrfl lmun]]nfl fi fllililii Optional Activity
ABwers wlll vary Sample aoswel Ha\€ students briinstorrn statements to use when
./€ an Obstacle / lace a.challenge the event isn I positil"e, or isn t posilive tt the
,/ get into 6 new interest) ,/ makea.changd
begindng. Examples include:
- make the deciston to {do something diffetent) Itt the worst decision I ve ever made.
/ have an/the opportu.ily to (do somethins you At firsi I thought it was a bad decision, but iiow I've
wanted to do)
realized it $.as a good change.
Exdtnple conve$otion
Exomple canversatlon A: I hear that sohething exciting hnpPened id
A: I had an opportunity to do somethingl've always yolr recent\..
wanted to do. B: Yes, it did. I ran a matathon. Ii was one ofthe
B: Realy? Wlai was that? biggest challenges I've ever faceal
I was orking at a restaurant and I met a movie
producer. He asked me to audition for a sm.ll
part in a movie that becamg really famous. 4 Listening
B: Really? Wlat movie?
2 Conversation
( Claia
ICD l,Trek02l
Louis recehtli had ih6.hance to work with a tCD r,Tra.k 031
photographe., and hediscover€d hew?nts tobetone
a Frofessiohal phoiograptrcr
Kristin ieently moved because she gota newjob in 1. T
Sao P?qlo (after losing her prcvioqsjob)- 2. F (Alex losthisjo.-b iastyear)
3. F (Vlctor opened h ie own ba kery two weeks aqo.)
4. l- {lari\,d goL marled la.r monLr.)
Optional Activity
Lor-ris: Veah, I have. I jLtst qor a job as a photogGpher 3 Have students correct the false sbtemerts. (Answars
Kfttin: Oh, wowl How did you qet into photog6phy?1
Kristi!: I did.. .I just goi a rlrrch better job, aitd I
moved to $o Paulo.4
Louisi fm lotrytb hear aboutyour seiback, but so glad
tohearibout iqur new jobl2