Page 18 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 18


         English in Action                                     Speak  Now

                                                              Pdge 11
         1 Preview                                             Irrovlde  an cxample ofeach conversation  when

                                                              If manlr sluderlts  need  more practice  rvith a
            Answers will vary.  Sampie  answer.               particular  unit,   )ou  might r?nt  to revierv it i11 class.
            Ithink  theyare  talking aboutthe  apartmen! the  {.osr
            ofthe)  rentand  utiLities, ard the lurniture.     1 Exonple  conversation
            lwould  ask Kate about herjob, her daily  rourine,  and
                                                              A: I hear that  yoLL  lost   job.
            why she h leaving  hercutrent livlng situation.                        ,vour
                                                              B: \tah. It was one ofthe most chrllengiDg  things
                                                                  Ive e\.er e-.iperie11ced.  Thc good rews is that I
         2 Practice                                               havc  tburld  a better jobl Brt what about 1ou? I
                           '                                  2 Example  aonveBation
         ..,}1Y-it:.-:  .-...   -.,,1.,   ,,  .                   Did you hear  about  ihe mm who found  a box
            't.  T                                                full ofgold colns hidden iD hls basement?
            2.  F  (Maria  lnterviewed aboutfive  people  before  Kate.)
                                                              B:  Nol \\rhcre  did thev corne fronl?
            3.  F  (She  was  upsel,  but i  umed outto  be one ofthe
              best  thingsthat  everhappened  to her,)            No one'knows.  The house  \ras over i00
            4.  F  (lvlaria  is stilllooking  forajob.)           old, and some  people thinli the coins Nere  left
            5.7                                                   there br piratesl
            6. F  (l\4arla  is upset  because Kare hasjust  nroved  in
                                                              B:  A  azing. But did,vou hear about the dog that
              butthe place  is a nress.)
                                                                  learned  how to tell the time?
                                                                  How did that happen?
                                                              3  Example convetsation
                                                                  I hrre it   rer  feopl.  , r. sith rlei' ror r.
         Optional Activity                                               "
                                                                  ope[. It nlakes me  Iose mv appetlte.
         \\\)'i.  Nd.( n o\,rs?'\ne:,  Io\"rgr.. di"erenr
                                                              B:  Yeah, I know what   )rcu  mean. \fho wants to
         clty for a new job.)                                     si'e the food in someone'.s  mouth?  Ard it gets
        Why did a womar,  sue her roommate?  (She sued            on m),  nerves when  people  are alwavs late to
        because  the house  was so meslr and the roommate         appoint]1lents.
        wouldnt  clean it up.)                                    Sane here. I rcspect their !ine. The,v should
         \\l--r    Sepr.bler- sirh vrr  a.trerrnu.
        roommate?  (She $.as alwa,vs 1ate.)
                                                              4  Example  @nvercotion
                                                                  \,1y friend has been gossiping  about me-
        3 Dis(uss
                                                              B:  l'm sorry to henr that. Have   thought about
                                                                 telling  her how much it hurts  ).our  faelings?
        Example conve6otion
                                                                  . r r no i..l'  ,. rq rh"r ..orrid ,,o|k.  rhe  S...rJ.
        Ar So, do you think Kare lied io Nlaria?
                                                                 abort everronel  She's just nc\.er  gossiped  about
        Br Yeah. She talked about  being  a neat  freak, but      me before this.
            then  as soon  as she moved  il1, the aparrmeni  $'as

        C: I agree.  People like to n1ake good first
            nnpressions. Ifshe didrit do d1e dishes when dle
            l.r.r rrured ir  .1e pr ,o"bl) .or. nn rhcr'  1
            the future either.
        D: B  what do  ]-ou   think about Tomi  advice? Do
            you think Maria  sholrld  confront  her rlght ar ay?
        6        Lessons I io 4 Rev ew
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