Page 15 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 15
Lesson 2 Did you hear about...?
Optional Activity
Adam: Luckily, someone wirnessed rhe whote thing.
B€fore students open their books, ask them how H€ junjped onto the tack and pulled the guy o!t.
often they read newspapers, watch 1V nervs, and Someone else.alled the emeroen.yservicas.
read news on the lnternet. The[ have siudenis talk T-"resa:Wowl Did the gly injure hirn9efin rhe fa l?
People reallv shouldnt text while theyte walkino.
about which news stories they are most interested
in (for example, sports, entertainmeni, the weather
4 Pronunciation
l Vocabulary A
ICD l,Tra.[ oii]
. Remind students thdt linking sounds is an
impoltant aspect ofsmooth spegch and that they
should work to say phrases smoothlv rather than
?ts individual words.
3. inju€rd . Point out that both consonants and vowels are
llnked with vowels.
OptionalActivity . Explain that when \\'e link a consonant with a
yowel, it is al ost like \,!'e repeat the consonant
Tell st$delts that Arman irierest srories are about
soundtwice, sa ftenrd alort souids like fiddrd
something that happened to people nl1d the stories
ddbaut and, passes out becomes passes so r.
often evoke emotions in the listeners. Have students
brainstorm q?ical human interest stories (for ' Er?lain tl1ai when we link a vowel with another
erlrple. a per,o t ,are' o \elp. ,"meone drr ng. vowel, it may be helpful io imagine another
natural disaster or war). sound linking them togethe!. For example, when
sa)ring rd d, our lips are round at the end of to.
B We link bv almost sa],ing ro11ld, inserting a w
sound to help create the ]lnk.
Exomple aonve5ation
A: Yesterday I heard a storl about a mal1 who saved
a boy from drowning.
B: Really? How old nns the boy? Answ€rs wlll vary. Sample;nlwer
Did you hear about the woman in California who
gave $500,000 to a charity to helpnuddnts atudy
2 Conversation musiceducation?
Well, this woma6 realizd tha! hermu5i.tea.her
A hdd F..ouraged n.j lo neve. q ve up on hs orcdms.
andshe wanted to helpotherpeople be.ome
Therrian fell ohtothe subwayt6ckbecause hewas.t
watchinq where he was qoing. 5 Speak with Confiden(e
After howokeup, he finlshed typing histext mesage.
ICO LTrack 051
Answ€ls will vary. Sample answer.
l, a dog saved a boy from a ffre
Additional rententes underlin€d. 2. a tea.her offers to payfora student! operation
Adam: He wastexting a friend, and he wasnt lyarching 3. a group of elementa ry school strdents make a
whelehe.was golng. He fell, hit hB.headrand passed charlty event to ralse money fd rhe homeless
out. HP ae-i!$!aS lhele+ld ! I 4, peoole on ihe lrte'net give d ndn ".ouCh moley
to give hk dauqhter her lastwish
Lesson 2