Page 19 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 19
Lesson 5 How do you know...?
Optional A(tivity c
Before studenis open their booLs, isk them how taQ r,Track l3l
they meet newpeople (inake new friends).
Additional sentences underlined.
'Sarri:Well, E\ra! lny old neigibo.lrrsed to live i.the
apa.irient acrdls from herj. , lived rhaie for .jbout
I Vocabulary
Answers will vary. 5ampl. answ€r
l. s-
3 Language Booster
3" I7.
4. a.
Explain that in numbeis si,r aDd seven old means You n1ay walIt to use this opporturity to discuss
fonnet or jiaft a laag time ,So.and does not rcfer questions considered impolite w]len you 4re getting
to tge. to know people (for example, questions about
salaries, the.pice ofthings, and age).
Ifneaessary, tell students that an i, ldr is
.omeore rvho becune. trniJv menber
" $
ma iage, giving the follpwing examples: my 4 Pronun(iation
sister's husband is my brother in-law, my
husband's father is my father-inlaw
Explain that we only use ifl lrly wlth sister, tcD r,Trad( t4l
brother, mother, xrd.father because other fan:ily Renind students that by $ressing the norrlt, the
members are not palt of oui nuclear fnmily. Fsr apeaker is emphasiring what he/she considers to
extended famiiy menbers, we use the san1e telm be rhe irrport" ,r Lontenl. le' .rudprl\ that, in
whetl er rhe rel ion+iD i' b) b'ood or nrarr,age contrast, by stressing d1e adiertive or another part of
(for example, I sly mJil duflt, whether sh! is iDy the senlence, ihe speaker is correeting the listenei's
motheis. sister or my husbandt mothert sistel ). misperception. Giv€ examples:
He is m). former neighb or. la neighbor is the
in1potant information)
2 Conversation
He is my former neiglrbor. (not some other persoD)
A Ee is my former neighbor. (not solne otier person's
ICD l,Tri,ck I 2l Iormer neighbor)
He is my former neighbor (not a cdrent neighbo,
5aiah irhd,Eva lied to live ih ihe same apartment
. lf marry stodents are having problen:rs with noun
Lqiga il an assi3laht ln an advertB{ng firnt.
stress, have them pnctice stressing j ust the
noon. Then have theh practice the noun widl
Optional Activity
the adjective, irnd 6nal1y have them p.actice ar meetiDg for the fiist time? (S{ah aDd Luisa entire sentence.
are meeting lor the 6rst time, but they've sean each
other before.) . Ailer students lioish their pra.tice, you may
want to have severul pairs perform their
dialoguea for the class.
Example .ohversotion
A: Holv do ,vou klor. Pedro?
B: Het a new acquaintance.
Lesson 5 7