Page 17 - Vargo Mari, Lieske Carmella. - Speak Now 4 Teacher's Book
P. 17
Lesson 4 You put up with a lot.
Optional Activity
Ofitional Activity
Have students get into groups and talk alioxt
AJter students open the trook, have t]1em get into whether they agree \\'ith ln$id's suggestions.
groups and speculate on lvhat the title means. Hal"e Ercoulage tLam to also discuss how they feel about
a Few groups share their ideas. If neccssary, remind lert'ng abulr problems. H,r\e
Bmup, rlrintr ot
stuiients that the). must often group $,ord&together alternative *'ays to deal $,ith th€ problem.
to under$tand a phrase. You may want to empbasize
this by maklngcomicil gestures ofputtiilg
something u| on an imaginary shelf that has a loi of
things on il. 3 Language Booster
I Vocabulary
Optional Activity
Have stlrde[ts brainstom other vtays to make
suggestions. Exarnples in€ludei
Answer will,vary. Sample anrwet Why .lodt )'.c,u lconfront him).?
l. You could (confront hin,).
r'.3. ,/ 6. What dbout (confronting him)?
Ifnecessary, point out the different grammar
rnrsU rc.ror\ /..e.. (ontronl and (o fiorting\.
Exqmple convaRation
4 Pronunciation
What kind ofproblem have had.lyirh
your friend!
B: WeI], she got upset and thought I was spending lcDl,Trackrll
too much time with m). bo)'frierd. I think ihe Imphasize that students must not ody rcduce
was jealous.
harelou but must also say the rest ofthe sentence
What didyou do? Are you still friends? flueDtll Give-an exaggerated example with /rar,1a
foilowed by each wonl clearty and slowly enunciated
to. defiorstrate the uifiatural rhl,thm.
2 Conversation
Exomple conve\ation
tcD 1, Tra.& 091
ltuu said your friend was ignoring you. Haq?
thought about telling her Four friendship is
P.blo rntwith d.d Robea oecduse at rhe td,r impotant to you?
mlnuLehedeided hot ro inih ih.m
' Rnbert jigoinqto iart tu;lo to telt pablo how he teet3. B; Thatt ndt abad idea. How atlout yoLL? Haveya
tried ialking to lour frietrd about telling ).our
Secret lo othenl
ICD 'l , T.ack I 0l
Addliional senrerca,s underlin?d,
lngrid: Aqa in? Yoir put up wirii a lot from h im. HE did
'this llst time
lngr d: Have you tried (onfrontinq him about lr? Yaq
$add Elk loiiE
lhgid: lfyou dont feel coinforta ble tatkinq to him, you
midht want ro .onsider terting him about it.And votr
.an thin k:tbour lrlat vout6 ooihd to write,