Page 111 - PPW (Paper Proposal Writing)
P. 111
3 Related to the effort of recognizing students’ learning strategies, there are four major
classification successfully constructed by Rubin (1981), O’Malley, Chamot, and Walker
(1987), and Oxford (1990). Rubin (1981) focuses on two processes which contribute directly
and indirectly to learning. Meanwhile, O’Malley, Chamot, and Walker (1987) highlight the
three types of learning strategies. They are metacognitive, cognitive, and social/affective
strategies. Then, Oxford (1990) classifies the strategies into direct and indirect strategies.
Direct strategies are the “strategies involving mental process and directly influencing the
target language” and indirect strategies are “those supporting and managing language” but
not directly concerning the target language (Oxford, 1990). In addition, the direct strategies
cover memory, cognitive, and compensation whereas the indirect one emphasizes on
metacognitive, affective and social strategies.
Key idea :
4 The use of English in global society and communication has changed over time. This
phenomenon increases the rapid growth of English learners globally while also increasing
the demand for English teachers in the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) setting. In Asian
countries where English is taught as a foreign language, most English teachers are trained
inside their hometowns. Hence, to internationalize Non-native English-speaking teachers
(NNESTs), universities across Asia have engaged in cross-cultural immersion experiences
Key idea :
5 Therefore, even if university students in Turkey are not exposed to English in their daily
lives, they will face English in their immediate future business life. For these students, it is
useful to know where the way is to communicate effectively. For effective professional
communication, it is necessary to know whether an accent is important to them, or whether
a distinctive native-like accent is important to them. In this way, it may become more
efficient to prepare tertiary-level learners for their professional life soon. However, not only
the English for professional life but also their use of English for daily purposes is worth
investigating in terms of communicative competence.
Paper Proposal Writing 103