Page 109 - PPW (Paper Proposal Writing)
P. 109

After analyzing the example of effective visual aid, what should be considered when you

               create your visual aid? Study the following tips.

                ✓  Choose a font style that your audience can  Choosing  a simple  font style,  such  as Arial  or  Calibri,
                    read from a distance.                  helps to get your message across. Try to avoid using

                                                           font sizes smaller than 18 pt.

                ✓  Keep  your  text  simple  and  minimize  the  Use bullets or short sentences; you want your audience
                    amount of text on your slides          to listen to you present your information, rather than

                                                           read the screen. You can remove articles such as "a" and
                                                           "the" to help reduce the word count on a line.

                ✓  Use art to help convey your message.    Use graphics to help tell your story. Don't overwhelm
                                                           your audience by adding too many graphics to a slide,

                ✓  Make  labels  for  charts  and  graphs  Use only enough text to make label elements in a chart

                    understandable.                        or graph comprehensible.

                ✓  Make slide backgrounds subtle and keep  Choose  an  appealing,  consistent  template  or  theme
                    them consistent.                       that  is  not  too  eye-catching.  You  don't  want  the

                                                           background or design to detract from your message.

                ✓  Use  high  contrast  between  background  Themes automatically set the contrast between a light

                    color and text color.                  background with dark colored text or dark background
                                                           with light colored text.

                         Language Focus

                                Finding Key Ideas

                     A good visual aid can be made by using the key concept technique. Instead of including

               the  entire  paragraph  on  the  visual  aid,  we  simply  need  to  include  the  main  concept.

               Understanding what you read depends on identifying the key idea. It gives the details context
               and meaning and offers a framework for retaining the information.

               How do we find the key idea?

                   ❖  Read the passage through completely, then try to identify the topic.

                   ❖  Find the clues from the paragraph.
                   ❖  After reading the passage thoroughly and find the clues, summarize it in your own

                       words in one sentence.

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