Page 105 - PPW (Paper Proposal Writing)
P. 105


                             Writing a Paper Proposal Abstract

                   Activity 1

                 Below are some parts of a paper proposal abstract. Arrange and number them to make a good

                 order of a paper proposal abstract. Consider the elements and the transition signals/ phrases
                  used may help you in determining the order.

                                                 Sentences                                        Order
                 This article is trying to investigate psychological barriers faced by Indonesian
                 students which affect their speaking performance.
                 Besides, it is also expected to find out the causes triggering particular issues to raise
                 so that teachers are aware to give their students assistance resulting in better
                 English-speaking performance.
                 Speaking has become one of important skills in learning a language especially
                 English. Particularly, to speak in English for EFL student is not easy and needs much
                 effort to produce acceptable utterances in English.
                 Moreover, as this research will be a qualitative study, direct observation is going to
                 be done to capture all of phenomenon happened in the speaking class in natural
                    Keywords: Psychological factors, influence, barriers, speaking performance
                 In addition, interview is going to be conducted as well to find out what
                 psychological factors influence their oral performance in the class.
                 The  findings  from  observation  and  interview  are  assumed  to  be  able  to  identify
                 psychological factors such as fear of making mistakes, lack of self-esteem, and anxiety
                 hindering the students in performing their speaking.
                                                              Adapted from:  Ariyanti, 2016. ASIAN TEFL Vol. 1 No.1, 2016

                  Activity 2

                 Since you are now in the last stage of your paper proposal writing, try to write your own
                  abstract for your paper proposal.


                   Now, reread carefully your Introduction, Literature Review, and Methodology section.
                   After that, try to find important points to be written in your abstract. Outline the abstract

                   in the following template:

                                                                                       Paper Proposal Writing   97
   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109   110