Page 103 - PPW (Paper Proposal Writing)
P. 103

Activity 2

                    Change the active sentences below into passives. Focus only on the process or action

                   1.  The researchers are going to recruit the participants from the in-patients of five

                       private hospitals in Indonesia.

                   2.  Based on the preliminary studies, the researchers believe that the results will prove

                       the hypothesis of this study.


                   3.  The participants will sign an inform consent informing about the procedures of the


                   4.  To analyze the data, the researcher team is going to employ some statistical tests.

                   5.  As a result, the researcher will group the participants into two groups: control and

                       treatment groups consisting of 10-15 people each.

                   6.  As a triangulation method, the interview will validate the data collected from the


                   7.  In resolving conflicts between two neighboring countries, both countries use some

                       soft diplomacy strategies such as sport and gastro diplomacy.

                   8.  People’s religion-related awareness on usury triggers customers’ interest in sharia



                              Transition Signals or Phrases

               The followings are phrases useful for making the shifting in your abstract smoother.

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