Page 99 - PPW (Paper Proposal Writing)
P. 99

                 7                      Abstract

                              What are they and their uses?                                     OBJECTIVE

                 Look at the two pictures below and discuss the questions that follow with
                 the class.

                                              Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone,         Students are able to
                                              also  called Harry  Potter  and  the              identify the structure
                                              Sorcerer’s  Stone,  the  first novel in  the      of a research proposal
                                              immensely popular Harry Potter series by          abstract and write it.
                                              British  writer J.K.  Rowling.  It  was  first
                                              published   in Britain in   1997   and
                                              appeared  in  the United  States the

                                              following  year  under  the  title Harry
                                              Potter  and  the  Sorcerer’s  Stone.  The
                                              book’s imaginative story line about a boy
                                              wizard made it an enduring hit with both
                                              children and adults.

                 1.  What are the pictures?
                 2.  Where do you possibly find
                 3.  Mention the function(s) of
                     each picture above.
                 4.  Do they have similar
                     function(s)? Do they have any
                 5.  How is the language (formality,
                     structure, diction, etc.) used in each picture?

                            Research Proposal Abstract

                                    The Elements of a Research Proposal


                    Read the following abstract for a research proposal. Choose one of the following to label
                    each element of the abstract.

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