Page 94 - PPW (Paper Proposal Writing)
P. 94
5. This newspaper article was written by Aaron Blake. The title of the article is: GOP’s
‘weaponization’ committee viewed as more suspect than its targets, and it was in the
th on February 6 , 2023 taken from
6. This journal article is written by Geoff Lindsay in 2011 entitled educational psychology and the
effectiveness of inclusive education/mainstreaming. This is publised by The British Psychological
Society Volume 77 Issue 1 pages 1-24 with DOI:
7. This article entitled more than a word which was publised on September 7 2022 is written by
Dryed Morris. It was publised in The Boardpaper Bulletin on page 4.
8. The book entitled the new era of planting is written by morgan Creswell is originally published in
2000. This book is translated by Dominic Freckle in 2020 and republised by Willwood Hail.
9. A chapter in an edited book entitled language in multicultural society is written by Wayne Drowny
in 2014 page 103-129. The editors of the book are Jeremiah Shawn and Mark Freewill. The title of
the book is our modern society which is publised by Sprinter.
86 Paper Proposal Writing