Page 91 - PPW (Paper Proposal Writing)
P. 91
Committing mistakes in writing reference may lead to reducing the quality of paper. That’s
why, you have to know the dos and don’ts of APA format referencing style.
Keep in mind that:
✓ You have to properly include the source you use in your citation to give appropriate
credit for the sources.
✓ The title of the research paper should be centrally aligned. You need to ensure that all
the entries are arranged in alphabetical order.
✓ The reference must be included on a separate page with a different page number,
with a header on the top right corner of the page.
✓ The titles of newspapers, books, journals and magazines must be written in italics.
✓ A comma must follow the author’s second name, then the initial of the first name is
written, which needs to be ended with a point. The last name should be written after
&, along with the year of paper, in brackets. The title of the journal is written after
that, which needs to be ended with a point.
✓ Mixing different styles for referencing is a big mistake.
✓ Using different font from the paper. It should be the same font with the paper.
✓ Using the word “and”. Instead using ‘&.’
✓ Including the reference for the purpose of common knowledge, personal
communication, contact number or sources.
✓ Using fake references in your reference list
✓ Writing surnames and not initials in in-text referencing.
Paper Proposal Writing 83