Page 100 - PPW (Paper Proposal Writing)
P. 100
Keywords Background Purpose Methodology
Factors Influencing Students’ Speaking Performance
Speaking has become one of important skills in learning a language especially
English. Particularly, to speak in English for EFL student is not easy and needs ………………
much effort to produce acceptable utterances in English. This study will seek to
investigate psychological barriers faced by Indonesian students which affect ………………
their speaking performance. This research is a qualitative study. Direct
observation will be done to capture all of phenomenon happened in the
speaking class in natural setting. In addition, interview will also be conducted by
the researcher to know what psychological factors influence their oral ………………
performance in the class. From the natural phenomenon happen in the speaking
class, it is likely that psychological factors hindering the students in performing
their speaking are possibly caused by the feeling of too worried of making ………………
mistakes and the lack of self-esteem which may be related to shyness and their
anxiety level.
Keywords: Psychological factors, influence, barriers, speaking performance
Adapted from: Ariyanti, 2016. ASIAN TEFL Vol. 1 No.1, 2016
Your research paper proposal is summarized in the research proposal abstract. The
abstract, which summarizes the entirety of your article, is the first thing readers see when
they open your proposal. It seeks to give the readers a brief yet accurate understanding of
your study. Based on your abstract, readers will probably determine if your work is
worthwhile reading. The most crucial elements of your research should be summarized in
your research proposal abstract. Its contents must be clear to the readers without the need
for any references in the paper's main body. In an abstract, the content is often summed
up in 250 words or fewer. The following are the main components of the full paper
proposal abstract:
a. The background of study (it is optional; it must be concise);
b. The purpose of the study and the research problem(s) you propose to look
c. The preparation of the study's fundamental design (methods);
d. Expected results (can be optional in qualitative research); and
e. Keywords
92 Paper Proposal Writing