Page 17 - PPW (Paper Proposal Writing)
P. 17
3. What tenses are used mostly in the paper proposal above?
Activity 2
Read the sentence in each example. Then, decide wether it is Abstract, Introduction,
literature review, or Method. See the example in number 1.
1. Excerpt 1
Three main phases will be carried out to evaluate our research work. First, we will collect students'
data from Moodle on the use of the mentioned resources. Second, a survey to collect opinion from
students about the proposed educational resources will be designed. Finally, last year marks and
present year marks will be compared in order to evaluate whether students marks have improved.
The main results of the first phase related to Moodle reports are presented in this paper.
Element : Method
Reason : It is an explanation of the cycles which will be done in the research.
2. Excerpt 2
Very few academic studies have been conducted on stand-up comedy in India, with Paul (2017)
and Sahoo and Das (2018) some of the few to reflect on the topic. Even within the existing studies
the articulation of caste locations by Indian comedians or the lack of it has not been sufficiently
explored thus far. This article aims to fill in that gap. It focuses on how caste locations of the
comedians construct an exclusivity within the industry that mirrors the pervasive caste exclusion
in the larger society. Through a close reading of a few comedians’ performances, the article
argues that the comedy scene in India is largely upper-caste. Due to this, the jokes that populate
contemporary online and live spaces of comic performance only foreground upper-caste
experiences, which in turn reinforces caste hierarchies, perpetuating discrimination.
Element : _____________________________
Reason : ________________________________________________________________
Paper Proposal Writing 9