Page 22 - PPW (Paper Proposal Writing)
P. 22
The XYZ for the above example:
X Plastic pollution
(Broad topic)
Y Environmental effects of microplastics on the ocean
(More specific
Language Focus
Specifying topic with preposition
Read the following explanation about using prepositions to specify your broad topic.
Using Prepositions
In specifying a broad topic to be a more specific topic, you can use some prepositions of
“of”, “for” and “by”. The use of prepositions is aimed at making the meaning clearer.
Risk Management Practices of Integrated waqf-based Islamic Enhancement of the
Selected Malaysian Islamic microfinance model (IWIMM) applicability of Markowitz's
Banks for poverty alleviation in OIC portfolio optimization by
member countries utilizing random matrix theory
Javanese farmers’ perception Design of climate control Epiphytic weeds control by
of climate change system using microcontrollers applying root infusion method
for smart greenhouse in oil palm
Development process of Practical support for Quantifying surface damage by
watershed partnership: a Case breastfeeding mothers to measuring the mechanical
study of Limboto, Indonesia achieve exclusive strength of silicon wafers
Match the preposition in box A with their function in box B.
of It shows us the use of something, a reason, or purpose.
by It describes points out how something is done.
for It usually indicates a connection or belonging.
Complete the following research proposal titles by using the preposition of, by, or for.
1. The effect ______ clinical guidelines on physician’s medical practice.
2. Influence ______ occupation on the incidence _______ Alzheimer’s disease among people in
Meikarta district.
14 Paper Proposal Writing