Page 27 - PPW (Paper Proposal Writing)
P. 27
Unit 2 Introduction
Mini-discussion on Possible Research Topics
Students are able to:
Read the following extracts of introduction section of two research proposals. 1. understand the
With your partner, discuss the possible topic of each extract. general format in
writing Introduction
The political climates in many European countries and the USA have become of a paper proposal.
increasingly polarised (Hess & McAvoy, 2015). The global community faces 2. state the elements
tremendous challenges and threats to key democratic values and rights, such of an introduction to
write a well-organized
as tolerance and freedom of speech, resulting in severe societal and political
introduction of a
tension. This tension is also a challenge to democratic politics. Young people,
paper proposal.
. here defined as those aged 14–24 (White et al., 2000; O’Toole, 2003; Sloam,
2007), are living in rapidly changing contexts that affect their development,
socialization and participation in society.
Adapted from:
Possible topic:
Community gardening is lauded as an urban planning tool to enhance local
food systems while improving degraded urban environments. Beginning in
the 1970s, community gardening became “an expression of self-reliance”
that arose in response to rising food prices, as well as to concerns about the
destructive impact of technologies on the environment and the health
consequences of pesticides on food. It was also a form of urban activism
that “showed resistance to the deterioration of the city” (Lawson 2005:219)
Adapted from:
Possible topic:
Discussion question:
• How do you determine the possible topic for each extract?
• In which part of a paper will this excerpt be found? Elaborate your answer.
• Why is it necessary in writing a paper?
Paper Proposal Writing 19