Page 25 - PPW (Paper Proposal Writing)
P. 25
5. Fadia is a student of Management department. She is interested in the topic
of marketing management. Her proposed title is “The Influence of Experiential
Marketing on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty of “Loco Café” Yogyakarta”
Broad topic : ______________________________________________
More specific topic : ______________________________________________
6. Ahsan is a student majoring in Dentistry. He is curious about the incidence of
dental caries in adults. Thus, his proposed research will be about students’
perceptions of dental caries.
Broad topic : ______________________________________________
More specific topic : ______________________________________________
Activity 2
Complete the following table by identifying your broad topic and more specific topic based on
your topic of interest.
(Broad topic)
(More specific topic)
Paper Proposal Writing 17