Page 14 - PPW (Paper Proposal Writing)
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research are the students' mathematics achievement, the qualitative data
                 are the opinions obtained from the student journals.
                 For  the  study,  fifth  grade  students  studying  at  a  secondary  school  in
                 Istanbul(Turkey) in the 2017-2018 academic year will be selected as sample.
                 A total of 52 students (26 experimental groups and 26 control groups) will be
                 included  in  the  sample.  The  universe  of  research  covers  all  fifth-graders.   Population
                 Since both groups will be trained for three weeks, accessibility will be taken   and Sample
                 into  account  in  school  selection.  Therefore,  the  easily  accessible  state
                 sampling technique will be used. With this method the researchers gains
                 speed and practicality in the application process (Yıldırım & Şimşek, 2018).
                 In  the  scope  of  the  study,  “Mathematics  achievement  exams”  and  semi-
                 structured student journals will be used to collect data. For the application,
                 5th grade “Geometry and Measurement” learning area and “Basic Geometric
                 Concepts and Drawings” sub-learning area are chosen as the subject topics.
                 The ability of the subject to be integrated into more than one art field has
                 been the focus of attention when choosing the subject. Three experts, one
                 of whom is an measurement and evaluation specialist and two of whom are
                 experts  in  mathematics  education,  were  consulted  to  determine  the
                 parallelism, degree of difficulty and suitability of the achievement exams. The
                 final version of the tests was given according to the opinions received. During
                 the application, reflective journals were used to take notes and learn the     Research
                 feelings,  thoughts  and  views  of  the  students  instantly.  Semi-structured
                 journal forms were prepared taking into account the presence of students      Instruments
                 who do not want to write or talk about their experiences in general. It was
                 also thought that the space left in journals for students would give students
                 the  power  to  think  about  things  they  found  useful  and  unhelpful.  A
                 framework  has  been  drawn  specifically  to  comments  and  emotions  with
                 questions  added  to  their  daily  forms.  This,  in  turn,  helped  students
                 communicate  with  the  researcher.  Thus,  unnecessary  information  to  be
                 added to the students' journals was prevented and the data became more
                 The activities prepared within the scope of the research will be applied to the
                 experimental group for three weeks. In the control group, the lesson will be
                 taught based on the activities in the Ministry of Education textbook. During   Procedures
                 this period, one of the two researchers takes part in the class and observes
                 the process. The points found to be remarkable about the process will be
                 noted by the researcher and presented in the study findings. Also, pre-test
                 and post-test will be applied to both groups to determine the success levels
                 of students before and after the teaching process. Students will be asked to
                 fill in their journals at the end of each lesson in order to learn their views and   Data
                 feelings about the course process. While the data obtained from the pre-test   Analysis
                 and  post-tests  will  be  analyzed  with  the  SPSS  21  program,  the  student
                 journals will be analyzed with the help of the NVivo program.

                 Abas,  S.  J.  (2001).  Islamic  geometrical  patterns  for  the  teaching  of
                         mathematics of symmetry. Symmetry: Culture and Science, 12(1-2),

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