Page 10 - PPW (Paper Proposal Writing)
P. 10

4         Framework                d.     Combine to form a single thing

                5         Data                     e.     An opinion, belief or idea or a way of thinking
                6         Integrated               f.     The way in which something is planned

                7         Design                   g.     To a degree but not completely

                8         Empirical                h.     A principle or idea
                9         Concept                  i.     To check or study to prove something to prove an

                                                          idea and new information
                10        Quasi-                   j.     A supporting structure around in which

                                                          something can be built

                          Research Proposal

                                 Elements of a Research Proposal

                       Research-based paper proposal is a structured formal document that explains what you
                plan to research (your research topic), why it’s worth researching (your justification), and how you
                plan to investigate it (your practical approach). A research-based paper proposal includes these
                following elements.

                           Research-based paper proposal
                  No                components                                    Function

                                                              This part summarizes the major aspects of the entire
                                                                paper including background (optional), purpose,
                  1                   Abstract                 methodology, expected outcomes, and keywords.
                                                               This section identifies topic, highlights issue, shows
                                                                 gap, states research goals, and poses research
                  2                 Introduction                                 questions.
                                                               This section includes more developed discussions of
                                                                theoretical framework which involves definitions,
                                                              histories, and/or theories as well as empirical review
                  3               Literature review                    which presents previous studies.
                                                                This part explains clearly how the research will be
                                                              carried out by highlighting research design, research
                                                              instruments, population and sample, procedures, and
                  4              Research Methods                               data analysis.

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