Page 5 - PPW (Paper Proposal Writing)
P. 5
As the current world and technology keep evolving, it is a must for each aspect of life to adjust
and adapt with the changes. It also applies to education. Today, education does no longer aim
to make students simply gain the academic knowledge. On the other hand, equipping students
with other relevant knowledge and skills are also crucial to prepare them to nail the
competition within their professional areas in the future. There are abundant of graduates
seeking for employment and decent jobs. Hence, students with more knowledge and skills
applicable for their professional performance success will get an extra point to secure their
position in the competition. One of the knowledge and skills considered necessary are writing
and presenting an academic paper proposal which promote their problem-solving, analytical
and critical thinking, as well as their awareness on issues related to their fields.
This module serving as the learning material helping both students to learn the ways to write
and present a paper proposal effectively. This module is mainly intended for preparing the
students to be equipped prior to the semester when they will write their undergraduate thesis.
It is expected that what they have learned in this subject will ease them in completing the
undergraduate thesis.
Last of all, the team would like to utter our gratitude to Language Training Center Universitas
Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta for the kind opportunity given us to let us experience the valuable
processes during the completion of this module. We would also like to acknowledge to the
academicians, websites, and other contributions to provide us references enriching our
knowledge useful for this module-making.