Page 11 - PPW (Paper Proposal Writing)
P. 11

This part gives an alphabetical listing (by first author's
                                                               last name) of the references that the writer actually
                                                                cited in the introduction and literature review of
                  5                 References                                 his/her paper.

                      The elements of a research-based paper proposal presented in the above table will be further

                      discussed in the next units of this book.


                 Read the following research paper entitled “The Effect of the Art-themed Activities on Mathematics
                  Achievement and Student Views”. Then, answer the questions that follow.

                  The Effect of the Art-themed Activities on Mathematics Achievement and
                                            Student Views

                                    Berna Yildizhan, Özlem Çeziktürk
                                         Marmara University

                 This  study  is  aimed  to  examine  the  effect  of  teaching  with  art-themed
                 activities on students' mathematics achievement and to examine students'     Purpose
                 attitudes on the teaching process. The research will be carried out with a
                 total of 52 fifth grade students studying in Istanbul (Turkey). The research
                 has a hybrid design in which qualitative data are used to support quantitative
                 data. In the study carried out with the quasi-experimental research method,   Research
                 the  experimental  group  will  be  taught  with  art-themed  mathematics    Method
                 activities, while the control group will be taught with the activities in the
                 Ministry  of  Education  textbook.  The  result  is  expected  to  find  out  that
                 teaching  mathematics  with  art-themed  activities  was  more  effective  in   Expected
                 increasing math achievement than teaching with the Ministry of Education    Outcomes
                 textbook.  Secondly,  it  is  expected  to  find  out  that  students  enjoy  study
                 mathematics more when usign art-themed activities.
                    Keywords:  Art-themed  activity,  attitudes  towards  mathematics,
                 mathematics  achievement,  mathematics  education,  quasi-experimental      Keywords
                 method .

                 Art is an important context for students to develop their mathematical skills
                 as well as spatial understanding and proportional thinking skills associated
                 with artistic skills. There is a reciprocal relationship between mathematical   Context
                 learning and artistic learning (Edens & Potter, 2007). Kim (2018) states that
                 combining art with different disciplines can improve students' creativity.

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