Page 41 - PPW (Paper Proposal Writing)
P. 41

Unit      3              Literature Review


                                Mini Discussion                                                OBJECTIVE

                  Take a look at these four excerpts below. Answer the questions that follow.

                 Excerpt 1                            Excerpt 2

                 The  concept  of  workplace  bullying  Cyberbullying  is  a  very  complex    Students are able to:
                 sometimes  referred  to  as  mobbing  phenomenon,  consisting  of  different   1.  select appropriate
                 (Leymann,  1990),  workplace  abuse  types  of  behavior.  One  type  of  that    theories and
                                                                                                   empirical review
                 (Keashly, 1998), victimization (Aquino &  behavior  is  flaming.  which  involves
                                                                                                   based on their
                 Stefan,  2009),  workplace  harassment  sending violent and vulgar messages by    topic.
                 (Brodsky,  1976),  and  verbal  abuse  an electronic device to provoke verbal   2.  write literature
                 (Ferns  &  Meerabeau,  2007)  refers  to  conflicts between two or more people    review of research
                 situations  where  a  person  repeatedly  within  the  network.  The  victim  is  not   proposal.
                 and  over  a  period  of  time  feels  always  present  (Qodir  et  al.,  2019).
                 subjected to negative treatment on the  Flaming   occurs   during   a   chat
                 part of one or more persons, and where  conversation  or  interactive  video
                 the person(s) exposed to the treatment  games.
                 have difficulty in defending themselves
                 against this actions (Einarsen, 2000).

                 Excerpt 3                            Excerpt 4

                 Hate speech is a type of hostile online  Locations  of  aggressive  behavior  are
                 communication  targeting social  groups  often  in  settings  away  from  teachers
                 to  insult,  degrade,  or  belittle  their  such  as  the  playground,  hallways  or
                 members  (Hawdon  et  al.,  2017).  As  gym.  One  study  assessing  rates  of
                 such,  hate  speech  is  regarded  as  an  aggression based on location found that
                 extreme expression of  online  incivility,  for  students  who  were  victimized,
                 broadly defined as bearing “features of  40.5% were victimized in the classroom,
                 discussion that convey an unnecessarily  whereas 76.9% were victimized on the
                 disrespectful  tone”  (Coe  et  al.,  2014:  playground, as well as large percentages
                 660).                                for other locations such as hallways and
                                                      the gym (Fekkes et al.,2005).

                         Adapted from:,,
               Questions for discussion:

                   1.  If the research question of the paper proposal is “What is the students’ perception of
                       cyberbullying?”, which excerpt will you choose as the theory?
                   2.  Explain your considerations in choosing the above excerpts.

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