Page 39 - PPW (Paper Proposal Writing)
P. 39

5     Find out            e.  to examine or look for the difference between two or more

                6     Compare             f.  to learn by study, observation, or search

                7     Analyze             g.  to guess or calculate the cost, size, value, etc. of something

                8     Describe            h.  to recognize a problem, need, fact, etc. and to show that it exists
                9     Reveal              i.  to show or disclose something (such as surprising information or
                                              a new product) for the first time


                                Writing Introduction of a Paper Proposal: Research Questions

                                and Research Goals

                    Activity 1

                    Write down the research questions based on the research goals provided.

                  No             Research questions                            Research goals
                  1                                            To  identify  the  influence  of  online  marketing
                                                               strategy and customer loyalty
                  2                                            To examine the implementation of e-voting during
                                                               the COVID-19 pandemic
                  3                                            To  find  out  the  relationship  between  tooth
                                                               brushing behavior and dental caries
                  4                                            To analyze the university students’ perceptions of
                                                               sharia economics
                  5                                            To compare the application of organic and
                                                               conventional farming in different land typology

                  Activity 2

                 Read the following example of outline of the introduction of paper proposal consisting of

                 research questions and research goals. Write your own outline of those two elements based
                 on the proposed topic that you have.

                   Example of an outline with research questions and research goals

                   Broad topic: K-Pop fans

                   More specific topic: Students’ perceptions of K-Pop fans’ behaviors

                   Research questions:

                      1.  How do university students view K-pop fans?

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