Page 44 - PPW (Paper Proposal Writing)
P. 44

Students’ lack of understanding
                       Ali et al. (2012) pointed out that there are many reasons why students commit plagiarism.
               He  then  points  out  that  students‟  understanding  or  rather  lack  of  understanding  of  what  is
               plagiarism and what constitutes plagiarism are the most likely reasons that motivate EFL English
               students to commit plagiarism since, as Dordoy (2002) has said, many students are unaware of the
               rules and the regulations concerned and unwittingly plagiarize as it is more difficult to prepare
               material otherwise (McCabe, 2001).
                                                     Adapted from:
                   1.  From your discussion, what is a literature review?
                   2.  What kind of information is presented in the above excerpt?
                   3.  Why do we need a literature review?
                   4.  In  your  opinion,  how  can  we  select  appropriate  references  to  be  put  in  theoretical

               Then, read the following explanation about the theoretical framework in a literature review

                       A theoretical framework consists of concepts and, together with their definitions

               and reference to relevant scholarly literature, existing theory that is used for your particular

               study. The  theoretical  framework  must  demonstrate  an  understanding  of  theories  and

               concepts that are relevant to the topic of your research paper and that relate to the broader
               areas of knowledge being considered. It aims to examine your title and research problem.

                       Since researchers in different areas of study have developed their own languages,

               there might be some terms having different meaning from one area of study with another.

               Therefore, in Introduction section, you may introduce the use of important terms in your
               research  paper.  Besides,  this  section  can  also  discuss  the  operational  definitions  used  in

               previous  researches  especially  if  there  is  a  disagreement  among  researchers  on  those


                       The followings are useful considerations when you write your theoretical framework:
                   •  Clearly describe the framework, concepts, models, or specific theories that underpin

                       your  study.  This  includes  noting  who  the  key  theorists  are  in  the  field  who  have

                       conducted research on the problem you are investigating and, when necessary, the

                       historical context that supports the formulation of that theory.

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