Page 48 - PPW (Paper Proposal Writing)
P. 48

Excerpt 1                                    Excerpt 2
                 In  their  study,  Andreassen  et  al.  (2014)  found  Aloraini  &  Cardoso  (2018)  highlighted  that
                 that  addiction  to  social  networking  sites  was  social  media  exposes  students  to  English  and
                 increasing  among  users  with  more  hours  of  allows them to continue to hone their language
                 employment than normal, male users, younger  skills
                 users, and more educated users
                 Excerpt 3                                    Excerpt 4
                 Jalal’s (2012) study discovered that that privacy  According to another report, Iranian university
                 concerns  have  become  the  most  concerning  students  were  at  high  risk  of  developing  an
                 thing  while  students  use  social  media  because  addiction   to   smartphones,   which   was
                 they  still  do  not  know  what  their  individual‟  associated   with   negative   academic
                 information is used for.                     performance (Alosaimi et al. 2016).

                 Excerpt 5                                    Excerpt 6
                 In  a  survey  conducted  among  students  at  an  Studies investigating the roles of social media
                 Omani university, AlBarashdi and Aldhafri (2019)  discovered that, in addition to giving students a
                 did  not  find  statistically  significant  differences  place  to  interact  with  the  English-speaking
                 between the genders regarding their addiction to  world,  social  media  can  help  lower  students'
                 social networking sites.                     affective   filters.   Negative   psychological
                                                              elements  that  have  a  significant  impact  on  a
                                                              student's  language  learning  process  include
                                                              anxiety,  lack  of  motivation,  boredom,  and
                                                              irritation (Zayed & Al-Ghamdi, 2019)


                               Signal Phrases for Citing Others’ Work

               Study the following explanation about signal phrases for citing others’ work.

                         Function                                        Verbs
                    Neutral in meaning     according to, comment, describe, note, state, acknowledge, define,
                                           discuss, point out

                    Indicating what the    assume, consider, recognize, believe, hypothesize, think
                     author’s thinking
                 Indicating that the author  confirm, prove, validate, establish, substantiate, verify
                   is proving something
                    Indicating what the    analyze,  estimate,  examine,  investigate,  study,  apply,  evaluate,  find,
                        author did         observe
                 Indicating that the author  demonstrate, illustrate, present, explain, indicate, show
                   is showing something
                 Indicating the author’s   argue, claim, emphasize, recommend, suggest, assert, defend, maintain,
                 position on an issue      reject support, challenge, doubt, put forward, refute

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