Page 50 - PPW (Paper Proposal Writing)
P. 50
Present tense to write definition of particular terms
Term Class Differentiating Characteristics
where knowledge is produced and passed on to
A university is an institution
Social Economics may be the branch of concerned with the measurement, causes, and
defined as economics consequences of social problems.
Adapted from:
Past Tense to cite others’ work and/ or studies
On the other hand, the APA 7 edition indicates that past tense is used to cite others’ work
and/ or studies. Citing other works becomes one element of empirical review. Example:
- Tragant and Munoz (2000) conducted a longitudinal study which focused on
motivation and attitudes towards learning English.
- Siregar’s study (2010) claimed that the students of Maranatha University had a
positive attitude toward English as a language and English as a medium of
Now, arrange these jumbled words into a good sentence using past tense. Punctuation clues
may help you deciding the order.
1. of the states - the school closures - also mandated - of private schools - Twenty-three
- (Zviedrite et al., 2021).
2. towards - An early study by Engzell et al. (2021) - online learning- pointed - a high
ineffectiveness of.
3. had - with the entire class - online teaching - (Woessmann et al., 2021) - Even by the
spring of 2021, - at most once per week - almost 40% of the children.
4. the long-run economic and - analyzed - welfare consequences of the school closures,
- focusing on intergenerational mobility - The paper by Jang and Yum (2020) - and
allowing for general equilibrium effects.
42 Paper Proposal Writing