Page 55 - PPW (Paper Proposal Writing)
P. 55

Citation Writing: Quotation and
                 4                      Paraphrase (APA  7  Edition)



                              Are they similar?                                                 OBJECTIVE

                                                                                                Students are able to
                                                                                                identify and write
                                                                                                citations by quoting
                                                                                                and paraphrasing them
                                                                                                in APA 7  edition


               Watch the video of both songs and discuss the follow-up questions below.

                   1.  After watching them, what do you think of both songs?

                   2.  Do you find any similarity (ies)? If yes, mention them.
                   3.  Are the similarities tolerable? Why?

                   4.  In writing papers, is it allowed for our papers to be similar with others? Why?

                         Citation Writing

                                Basic Rules of Citation in APA 7  Edition
               Below are an original text of a source and its two citation methods. Read them and answer

               the following questions.

                 Original text: In order to communicate effectively with other   Source information
                 people,                                                     Author : Raymond S. Nickerson
                         one must have a reasonably accurate idea of what
                 they  do  and  do  not  know  that  is  pertinent  to  the   Title   : How We Know-and

                 communication.  Treating  people  as  though  they  have    Sometimes Misjudge-What Others

                 knowledge  that  they  do  not  have  can  result  in       Know: Imputing One's Own
                 miscommunication and perhaps embarrassment.                 Knowledge to Others

                                                                             Publication: Psychological Bulletin

                                                                             Year of Publication: 1999

                                                                             Page    :737

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