Page 56 - PPW (Paper Proposal Writing)
P. 56

Citation 1                                    Citation 2

                   According to Nickerson (1999), an effective   Nickerson (1999) suggests that effective

                   communication  requires  an  individual  to
                                                                 communication  depends  on  a  generally
                   “have  a  reasonably  accurate  idea  of  what   accurate  knowledge  of  what  the

                   they do and do not know that is pertinent to   audience  knows.  If  a  speaker  assumes

                   the  communication.  Treating  people  as
                                                                 too much knowledge about the subject,
                   though  they  have  knowledge  that  they  do   the  audience  will  either  misunderstand

                   not  have  can  result  in  miscommunication   or be bewildered.

                   and perhaps embarrassment” (p.737).

                    1.  In your opinion, why do we need to write citation when borrowing others’ ideas?


                    2.  What is the method we used in Citation 1?

                    3.  What is the method we used in Citation 2?


                    4.  How both methods are different?

                  After discussing the questions above, learn the following terms and read the explanation on
                 the basic rules of citation in APA 7  Edition.
                       Terms                Definition              Terms               Definition

                 APA                American Psychology       Summary             A brief statement of
                                    Association                                   main points
                 Citation           The acknowledgment of     In-text citation    The brief form of a
                                    others’ ideas cited in our                    reference included in
                                    work                                          the body text
                 Quotation          A copy of exact words     End-text citation    A reference list of the
                                    taken from a source                           cited sources used in a
                 Paraphrase         A restatement of others’   Surname            Last name
                                    idea using our own words

                       How do you cite? It is a formal citation to a source that you used to get information

               for your research work, whether it was published or not. Since effective research almost never

               occurs spontaneously and without any prior work on the issue, the requirement for other

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