Page 59 - PPW (Paper Proposal Writing)
P. 59

Citation Methods

                                Quotation: Short and Long

               Read the following source along with its two citation methods and the information of the

               source used. Discuss the questions that follow.

                Beins (2012) mentioned, "Each person builds on       "Each  person  builds  on  the  ideas  of
                the ideas of others" (p. 100).                       others" (Beins, 2012, p. 100).

                   1.  Which method is used in both citations above? Give your reason (s).

                   2.  Mention the similarity(ies) you find in both citations.


                   3.  Mention the difference(s) you find in both citations.

               Then, read the explanation below on short and long quotation.

                       In academic writing, direct quoting is accepted. It indicates that you copied the text

               verbatim from the source document, including any punctuation and spelling errors. When
               utilizing a quote, you should precede it with a signal phrase that includes the last name of

               the author and the year of publication in parentheses. It is important to cite the page

               number(s) or the relevant paragraph(s). Based on APA Style, there are two standards for

               two different kinds of direct quotations.

               •  Short Quotation (less than 40 words)

                       To indicate a short quote, enclose the quotation within double quotation marks. The

               following is an example:

                          “Self-directed learning is also a term with which you will become familiar as you
                          study in Australia or New Zealand. Students are expected to take responsibility for
                          their own learning and organize their own study” (Hally, 2009, p. 7).

               •  Long Quotation (40 words or more)
                   If a quote is 40 words or more, you should incorporate it in your essay as a block of text

               or a standalone paragraph without using quotation marks. Double-space the full quote and

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