Page 60 - PPW (Paper Proposal Writing)
P. 60
indent the line by 0.5 inches from the left margin. After a full stop, include the quote's author,
publication year, and relevant page number(s).
Halley (2009) stated that:
Principle-based teaching and principle-based learning are important in
nursing, particularly as they relate to clinical skills. Clinical skills are usually
taught according to principles, and this means that the student learns key
principles associated with the skill, and then applies those principles to the
actual performance of the skill (Hally, p. 6).
Adapted from:
Since you have learned about quotation, decide whether the statements below are True (T)
or False (F).
No Statement T/F
1 Fully copying and pasting information from a particular
source is allowed in writing papers.
2 When citing, the full name and year of publication are
obligatory to be written after some signal phrases.
3 To quote a 25-words citation, double quotation marks
must be used.
4 Quotation marks are also used in citing longer quotations
more than 40 words.
5 Attaching a page number is optional when quoting a long
Citation Methods
Read an example of a text and its two paraphrased texts. Which one do you think is better
and why?
Original passage: “Like other marine animals living near heavily populated coasts, horse conchs
have lost considerable habitat to development and pollution, including favorite breeding grounds
along mud flats and seagrass beds. Their Gulf habitat is also warming due to climate change, which
scientists think further pressures the animals, based on the negative effects extra heat has on other
big mollusks” (Barnett, 2022).
52 Paper Proposal Writing