Page 57 - PPW (Paper Proposal Writing)
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people's ideas is evident while producing a research paper. Incorporating other people's ideas

               is acceptable in academic writing.

                       You  must  make  it  clear  to  the  reader  in  any  academic  work  which  ideas,  facts,

               hypotheses, concepts, etc. are your own and which were inspired by other people's research
               and ideas. If it's not your original concept, the source must be cited whether you summarize,

               paraphrase, or utilize direct quotes. Information that is viewed as a potential exemption to

               this rule is a well-known fact such as Ir. Soekarno served as the Republic of Indonesia's first
                                                                    Various styles are acceptable in writing
                       Despite  the  wide  range  of  citation      citation such as APA, MLA, Chicago, and

               styles, this section will just briefly touch on the   others.  Which  writing  style  reference
                                                                    used will depend on the disciplines, the
               APA Style Manual Publication 7th edition citation
                                                                    targeted  journals,  or  your  institution’s
               styles.  These  are  shown  in  the  accompanying    preference.

                                                                                                Adapted from:
                      Category                           Rule                              Examples

                 One author           Surname of author, no initials or suffixes   . . . This was seen in an Australian
                                      such as Jr. The year of publication is also   study (Couch, 2017).
                                      included                                 OR
                                                                               Couch (2017) suggests that . . .
                                                                               In 2017, Couch conducted a study
                                                                               which showed that . . .
                 Two authors          Cite both surnames every time the        . . . (Zheng & Labeke, 2017)
                                      reference occurs in the text.            OR
                                                                               Zheng and Labeke (2017) . . .
                 Three or more        Cite only the surname of the first author   . . . (De Keyser et al., 2019).
                 authors              followed by et al. and the year of       OR
                                      publication. Note: There is a full-stop (.)   De Keyser et al. (2019) . . .
                                      after al (see below).
                 Anonymous author     Use Anonymous in place of the author's   . . . (Anonymous, 2019)
                 Corporate or group   If organization is recognized by          . . (Australian Institute of Health and
                 authors              abbreviation, cite the first time as follows:   Welfare [AIHW], 2019)

                                                                               However, if abbreviation not widely
                                                                               known, give the name in full every

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