Page 58 - PPW (Paper Proposal Writing)
P. 58

. . . (Australian Research Council,
                                                                               Do not use a comma to separate two
                                                                               organization authors; for
                                                                               example (Monash University &
                                                                               Monash Health, 2020)
                 Multiple references   List the citations in alphabetical order and   . . . (Burst, 2017; Nguyen, 2013;
                                      separate with semicolons.                Turner & Hooch, 2012).
                 Citation of a        Note: APA 7th guidelines specify that    . . . (Spencer, 2018, as cited in Lilian
                 secondary            secondary citations should ONLY be used   & William, 2021).
                 source (i.e., a source   where the original is unavailable (e.g., out-  OR
                 referred to in another   of-print). Wherever possible, read and   Spencer (2018, as cited in Lilian &
                 publication)         cite the original source.                William, 2021) . . .
                                      If the original source is not available, ONLY   OR
                                      include the details of the source that you   Lilian and William, (2021) cited
                                      actually read. In the example below, the   Spencer (2018) as finding . . .
                                      original source would be Spencer (2018),
                                      which you saw cited in a paper by Lilian
                                      and William (2021). Only the reference for
                                      Lilian and William would be included in the
                                      reference list.
                 Websites (but not a   When citing an entire website with no   Apple is one of the most visited
                 specific document on   mention of a specific page or particular   consumer technology websites in the
                 that site)           information on the website, it is sufficient   world (
                                      to give the address of the site in the text.
                                      No reference list entry is required.
                 Web page             Family name and year of publication.     In a recent article on the 1918 flu
                 with author                                                   pandemic Tobias (2020) suggested …
                                                                               . . . in the 1918 pandemic (Tobias,
                 Web page, unknown    Give the first few words of the title. If the   An Australian government agency
                 author               title is from an article use double quotation  recommend checking rainwater
                                      marks. Also include the year of publication.  tanks in Queensland (“Unsealed
                                                                               rainwater tanks”, 2019).

                 Web page, no date    Use the letters n.d. - an abbreviation of the  In a self-published autobiographical
                                      words ‘no date’.                         article, audiovisual organization
                                                                               Bose (n.d) mention . . .
                                                                               The company’s history is outlined in
                                                                               a self-published autobiography
                                                                               (Bose, n.d.)

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