Page 53 - PPW (Paper Proposal Writing)
P. 53

Activity 2

                 Read the following example of outline of the literature review of paper proposal consisting of
                  theoretical  framework  and  empirical  review.  Write  your  own  outline  of  literature  review

                 based on the proposed topic that you have.

                   Example of Outline of Literature Review

                   Broad topic: K-Pop fans

                   More specific topic: Students’ perceptions of K-Pop fans’ behaviors

                   Literature review:

                   Theoretical framework

                      1.  The definition of perception: Qiong (2017) argues that perception is information processing
                          activities whose focus is understanding realities of the world and causing the feeling of safe
                          and reassured.
                      2.  K-Pop fans culture and behaviors: Mizumi (2017) hypothesizes that the relationship between

                          Korean idols and their fans was stronger because they had a lot of interactions through many
                          fan meeting events, live broadcasts, and SNS (social networking sites).

                   Empirical review
                      1.  Diana  (2016)  conducted  a  study  investigating  the  influence  of  K-Pop  on  undergraduate

                          students'  lifestyles  and  political  knowledge.  The  results  of  the  study  revealed  that  K-pop
                          directly influences students' lifestyles.

                                          Proposed Outline of Literature Review
                  Broad topic

                  More specific




                  Empirical review

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