Page 51 - PPW (Paper Proposal Writing)
P. 51
5. A recent study by Halloran et al. (2021) - from 12 US states - is significantly more
effective - that full in-person instruction - and found - relied - on test score data -
than virtual or hybrid instruction.
Adapted from:
Writing Literature Review
Activity 1
Read the paragraph on the table. Then, write TF when it is theoretical framework or ER when
it is empirical review. State your reasons.
Paragraph TF/ ER Reason (s)
In Canadian education context, Ryan and Kariuki
(2011) reported that more than half of student teachers
did not feel confident that they were prepared to
identify or manage cyber bullying in the classroom.
More than 80% of the student teachers indicated that
they did not feel that the university where they were
studying was preparing them adequately to manage
cyber bullying. This lack of preparation to handle cyber
bullying resulted in a reluctance among student teachers
to act when they suspected incidents of cyber bullying
(Ryan & Kariuki, 2011).
Adapted from:
Cyberbullying is essentially an extension of bullying.
Cyberbullying is “any behavior performed through
digital or electronic media by [college students or groups
of college students] that repeatedly [over time]
communicates aggressive or hostile messages intended
to inflict discomfort or harm on [other students]
(Tokunaga, 2010, p. 278). Behavior of cyberbullies may
be in the form of cellular or digital imaging messages;
chat and discussion room messages; e-mail, instant
messaging, pictures and photographs, and unauthorized
video; messaging on profiles on social gaming and
networking sites, such as ChatRoulett, Formspring,
Paper Proposal Writing 43