Page 63 - PPW (Paper Proposal Writing)
P. 63

The followings are the examples of some effective paraphrasing:

                                Original Passage                          Effective Paraphrasing

                 Just  as  Sherlock  Holmes  investigates  a  case,  Bram  and  Peebles  (2014)  advocated  for
                 psychologists must evaluate all the available data  psychologists to evaluate all the available data

                 before making a deduction, lest they jump to an  before  making  a  deduction,  just  as  Sherlock
                 erroneous  conclusion on  the  basis  of  insufficient  Holmes investigates a case, lest they jump to

                 evidence (Bram & Peebles, 2014, pp. 32–33).   an  erroneous  conclusion  on  the  basis  of

                                                               insufficient evidence (pp. 32–33).
                 A business firm’s obligation, beyond that required  Business  should  focus  on  objectives  that  are

                 by the law and economics, is to pursue long-term  not only legal and financially appropriate, but
                 goals that are good for society (Robbins et al, 2003,  are of long-range benefit to society (Robbins et

                 p.138).                                       al, 2003, p.138).
                 Students  frequently  overuse  direct  quotation  in  In doing research papers, students often quote

                 taking  notes,  and  as  a  result  they  overuse  too excessively, failing to keep quoted material
                 quotations in the final (research) paper. Probably  down to a desirable level of about 10% of the

                 only  about  10%  of  your  final  manuscript  should  paper.  Since  the  problem  usually  originates
                 appear as directly quoted matter. Therefore, you  during note taking, it is good to minimize the

                 should  strive  to  limit  the  amount  of  exact  amount of the recorded word from the source
                 transcribing of source materials while taking notes  when  you  are  gathering  your  notes  (Lester,

                 (Lester, 1976, p.46-47).                      pp.46.47).

               After learning how to paraphrase effectively, read the excerpts and the paraphrases below.

               Match the excerpts and the correct paraphrases.

                                    Original                                      Paraphrase
                a.  “When students feel supported and cared for on  a.  Understanding  how  to  increase  student
                    a day-to-day basis, this allows them to build their   involvement  is  important  because  there  are
                    understanding of what positive relationships look   practical strategies instructors may take to do
                    and feel like, which they can then generalize into   so.
                    other aspects of their lives” (Furlong & Rebelez-
                    Ernst, 2014).
                b.  “A number of causes can drive an economy to  b.  The  major  cause  of  recession  is  a  series  of
                    bounce  back,  including  fiscal  and  monetary   economic events, such as interruptions in the
                    policies, technological progress, and population   supply  chain,  a  financial  crisis,  or  a  global
                    growth” (Kannan,, 2022).                  disaster, can lead to a recession.
                c.  “Student  engagement  is  worth  learning  about  c.  Since  interaction  makes  the  teaching  and
                    because  there  are  things  teachers  can  do  to   learning  process  go  more  smoothly  and
                                                                    successfully develops students' communication

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