Page 118 - LEVEL 1_Neat
P. 118

3.  (A doctor – popular)


                      4.  (A war journalist – dangerous)


                      5.  (A wildlife photographer – challenging)


                  D. Make your own sentences in superlative forms based on the descriptions of some jobs below.

                        A Fine Artist                    A Judge                     A Tax Accountant

               Job description: Creating      Job description: Leading,       Job description: Dealing with tax
               artistic works like sculpture,   observing, and deciding  cases in  reporting and advising relevant
               paintings, and drawings        courts based on evidences       tax issues changes in business
               Working hour: no time-bound    Working hour: 7.5 hours/ day    Working hour: normal office
               Weekdays: uncertain            Weekdays:five days/ week,       hour (09.00-17.00/ day)
               Salary: £ 20,000/  year        (working overtime during the    Weekdays:five days/ week
               Qualifications:                busiest periods)                Salary: £ 30,000 -  £ 75,000/ year
                   -   Formal qualifications   Salary: £ 100,000 - £ 170,000/   Qualifications:
                      are not necessary.      year                               -   Formal degree in Finance
                   -   A portfolio of creative   Qualifications:                 -   Having ATT (Association
                      work is essential.          -   Formal qualifications are      of Taxation Technicians)
                                                     required.                       or other relevant
                                                  -   A minimum 7 years              qualifications  is highly
                                                     offull-time                     recommended.
                                                     workexperience in Laws

                   A Petroleum Engineer             A Jewelry Designer             A Clinical Psychologist

               Job description: Focusing,     Job description: Designing and   Job description: Observing,
               analyzing, and evaluating the   creating accessories from      analyzing, and suggesting
               drilling process for ensuring the   various materials based on   appropriate treatments for
               safety and cost-effectiveness   imagination, creativity, and   patients’ psychological problems
               Working hour: 12 hours/ day    technical knowledge             Working hour: 7-8 hours/ day
               Weekdays:7 days/ week          Working hour: flexible working   Weekdays:based on shifts
               Salary: £ 28,000 - £ 38,000/   hours                           Salary: £ 22,000 - £ 30,000/year
               year                           Weekdays:flexible workdays      Qualifications:
               £ 50,000 - £ 100,000/ year     Salary: £ 12,000 - £ 17,000/year   -   A psychology degree is
               (experienced ones)             £20,000 - £ 50,000/ year               required.
               Qualifications:                (experienced ones)                 -   A three-year Doctorate in
                   -   Undergraduate or       Qualifications:                        Clinical Psychology with
                      postgraduate degree is      -   Academic qualification         6-12 months experience
                      required.                      is not required.                is required for
                   -   Other relevant courses     -   A background degree in         seniorpositions.
                      and work experiences           design is useful.
                      are recommended.                                         Source:

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