Page 137 - LEVEL 1_Neat
P. 137

B. Read the passage “The Challenges of a Professional Chef” and answer the questions correctly.

                                              The Challenges of a Professional Chef
                         It  seems  easy  when  we  watch  a  professional
                  chef cooks some delicious dishes. However, the reality   Vocabulary list
                  is  totally  different.  There  are  some  challenges  that   Demand (v)   : a strong need of something
                                                                       Talents (n)    : a special value that makes
                  people may not know about being a chef. Most of high
                                                                                      someone can do something
                  quality  restaurants  demand  qualified  chefs.  It  urges          well
                  people in this profession to improve their professional   Enrich (n)    : to make something better
                  quality. To improve their quality, hard work is a must.   Compensation (n)  : a payment after doing a job
                                                                       Wages (v)      : an amount of money given
                  Not  only  talents  but  also  the  knowledge  on  cooking
                                                                                      for a worker
                  dishes they have to enrich. To be a chef, they need at
                  least 5 years and 10 years to be the great ones. Chefs
                  also have to be creative and passionate in doing their job. Sometimes, they face difficult situations
                  when they have to fulfil the customers’ satisfaction.  It can be frustrating.
                      The compensation of chefs early in their careers is usually better at restaurants which do not
                  promise the best career improvement. The high quality restaurants which offer the best training and
                  build the best habits are less attractive financially than the less strict restaurants which offer higher
                  positions  and  better  wages.  Therefore,  being  a  professional  and  successful  chef  needs  both  good
                  skills and also self-management.
                                                      Adapted from:

                      1.  What is the first paragraph about?

                      2.  What is the second paragraph about?

                      3.  What does this passage mainly tell us about?

                      4.  What is the writer’s opinion to the topic in the paragraph?

                      5.  What is the writer’s purpose in writing this passage?

                    8       Speaking: I think it’s a good idea to…

                  A. Read and practice the conversation.

                  Nina   : Hi Aya... Why do you look so upset today?
                  Aya    : I have a problem with my job. My workshifts are mostly in the morning until afternoon.
                  Nina   : I am listening.
                  Aya    : You know, I have to attend school in the morning. It makes me confused. What should I do?
                  Nina   : Well, you should try to discuss it with your manager. Ask him to put you for the night shifts.
                  Aya    : But…I don’t think I have any courage to do that.

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