Page 29 - Modul English Communication In Nursing
P. 29

                 Patient Information                                    Medical Diagnosis:
                 Patient Name: Anwar Hidayat                            Chronic Diabetic Foot Ulcer
                 DOB/ Age: 3 May 1976/ 58 years old
                 Gender: Male                                           Nursing Diagnosis:
                 Room/ Bed Number: Khalid Bin Walid/ 2B                 Impaired skin integrity related to diabetes
                                                                        mellitus and poor circulation

                    Date       Assessment Findings            Nursing Care Plan             Evaluation (SOAP)
                                                          Planning        Intervention
                 18/10/2024  Vital Signs: BP 135/90   Wound care and    Clean wound      Patient reports less pain
                 (09:00 am)   mmHg, HR 82 bpm, RR    infection          daily and apply   and some reduction in
                             18 breaths/min. Wound  prevention          dressing         swelling. Wound size
                             is red with some                                            has slightly decreased.
                             discharge (3 cm).                                           Warn patient of the
                             Patient reports mild                                        possible skin irritation
                             pain and stinging                                           due to the dressings.
                             around the wound.
                             Patient has diabetes for   Improve blood   Teach patient    Patient understands
                             12 years and poor blood  sugar control for   about blood    and agrees to follow-up
                             sugar control.          better healing     sugar            with the diabetic clinic.
                             Wound has not healed    Promote            Teach foot care   Patient is following foot
                             well in 3 weeks.        circulation and    and proper       care instructions but
                                                     reduce pressure    footwear         needs written
                             Patient shows mild      Reduce anxiety     Offer emotional   Patient feels calmer and
                             anxiety about wound                        support and      is more confident in
                             healing.                                   suggest joining a  continuing care.
                                                                        support group
                 Nurse Name: Nurse Zainab
                 Signature: ___________
                 Date: 18 October 2024

                Nurse Zainab  :  "Assalammu’alaikum. Good morning, Mr. Anwar. How are you today?"
                Mr. Anwar      :  "Wa’alaikumsalam.  Good morning, Nurse. I’m feeling better, but my foot still hurts a
                                 bit. The wound seems to be taking a long time to heal."
                Nurse Zainab  :  "I see. I am here to assess your wound. Let’s take a look at your wound. The wound
                                 looks a bit red and has some discharge. It's about 3 cm in size. How would you rate
                                 the pain today?”
                Mr. Anwar      :  “It’s not too bad, just a mild pain and a stinging feeling around the wound.”

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