Page 14 - Wax Lyrical Main Catalog
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DISCOVERY                                                                              FIELD

          SERIES                                                                            GUIDES

        Highlighting some of the world’s most threatened and critical   These beautifully illustrated guides to four of the most
        species, the Jeff Corwin Collection features information about   ecologically unique states highlight more than 300 species of
        how these animals behave, reproduce and survive in diverse   common and unique plants and animals as well as 100 of each
        habitats around the world. These Discovery Series pocket   state’s outstanding natural attractions and viewing areas. Each
        guides also discuss environmental challenges each species   guide contains 175 pages of full color illustrations and detailed
        faces and the conservation efforts designed to protect them.   descriptions. They are an indispensable reference to amateur
        Trim size: 3 ¾” x 8 ¼” folded trim size, with spine                        naturalists, students, and tourists alike.
        Format: Laminated folding guide                                               Trim size: 5 ½” x 8 ½”, with spine
        Price: $7.95 US                                               Format: Perfect bound, 176 pages, 4-color throughout
        Carton Quantity: 100
                                                                                                   Price: $16.95 US
                                                                                                Carton Quantity: 48

        Title                        ISBN           (USD)
        Bats .............................................................978-1-62005-185-6 ......$7.95
        Bees & Other Pollinators ...............................978-1-62005-187-0 ......$7.95
        Elephants & Rhinos ......................................978-1-62005-198-6 ......$7.95
        Threatened Animals Worldwide .....................978-1-62005-199-3 ......$7.95
        Turtles ..........................................................978-1-62005-191-7 ......$7.95

                                                               Title                        ISBN            (USD)
                                                               Nature of Alaska, The, 2nd Ed ......................978-1-58355-299-5 ......$16.95
                                                               Nature of Arizona, The, 2nd Ed .....................978-1-58355-300-8 ......$16.95
                                                               Nature of California, The, 2nd Ed ..................978-1-58355-301-5 ......$16.95
                                                               Nature of Florida, The, 2nd Ed ......................978-1-58355-302-2 ......$16.95

        JEFF CORWIN COLLECTION                                     “The Nature of California offers an agreeable overview
        Title                        ISBN           (USD)          of animals and plants casual hikers and campers are
                                                                   likely to encounter . . . a useful book to keep with the
        World of Bears, The ......................................978-1-58355-818-8 ......$7.95
        World of Primates, The .................................978-1-58355-865-2 ......$7.95   picnic supplies or camping gear.
        World of Sharks, The ....................................978-1-58355-816-4 ......$7.95   Los Angeles Times
        World of Snakes, The ...................................978-1-58355-850-8 ......$7.95
        World of Wild Cats, The ................................978-1-58355-817-1 ......$7.95
        World of Wild Dogs, The ...............................978-1-58355-851-5 ......$7.95

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