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Printed on waterproof stock in Waterford Press’ distinctive Waterford Press has collaborated with the National Association
folding format, the Pathfinder Outdoor Survival Guides were for Search and Rescue to develop a series of pocket guides
published in collaboration with Dave Canterbury, master with SAR professionals in mind. Created for rugged field
woodsman and survival expert. They provide a practical source use, these waterproof guides are a great resource for skilled
of pocket information about a variety of subjects ranging from technicians as well as recreationists.
wilderness first aid to the construction of primitive weapons.
Trim size: 3 ¾” x 5 ½” folded trim size
Trim size: 3 ¾” x 8 ¼” folded trim size, with spine Format: Waterproof folding guide
Format: Laminated & waterproof folding guides Price: $9.95 US
Price: $7.95 US Carton Quantity: 50
Carton Quantity: 100
Title ISBN (USD)
Basic & Primitive Navigation, Waterproof ......978-1-58355-712-9 ......$7.95 Price
Basic Tracking, Waterproof ...........................978-1-58355-709-9 ......$7.95 Title ISBN (USD)
Building a Survival Kit, Waterproof ................978-1-58355-705-1 ......$7.95
Edible Plants of the Eastern Basic First Aid for First Responders,
Woodlands, Waterproof .........................978-1-58355-707-5 ......$7.95 Waterproof .............................................978-1-62005-308-9 ...... $9.95
Improvised Hunting Weapons, Waterproof ....978-1-58355-711-2 ......$7.95 Basic Navigation for Search and Rescue
Improvised Trapping, Waterproof ..................978-1-58355-710-5 ......$7.95 and Survival, Waterproof ........................978-1-62005-259-4 ...... $9.95
Medicinal Plants of the Eastern Essential Knots for Search and Rescue
Woodlands, Waterproof .........................978-1-58355-708-2 ......$7.95 and Survival, Waterproof ........................978-1-62005-260-0 ...... $9.95
Shelter, Fire, Water, Waterproof .....................978-1-58355-706-8 ......$7.95 Visual Guide to First Aid for
Signaling for Rescue, Waterproof ..................978-1-58355-713-6 ......$7.95 First Responders, Waterproof .................978-1-62005-309-6 ...... $9.95
Wilderness First Aid, Waterproof ...................978-1-58355-718-1 ......$7.95
Some retailers may prefer a laminated option over the
waterproof for the Pathfinder Outdoor Survival Series.
The content is identical on both versions. “The NASAR Basic Navigation Guide is a great
resource to refresh your knowledge at home. It’s
LAMINATED also great to carry with you on your excursions as a
Price backup to your brain. NASAR lays the guide out in
Title ISBN (USD) a logical fashion that’s easy to follow, especially in
Basic & Primitive Navigation, Laminated .......978-1-58355-777-8 ......$7.95 stressful situations. Definitely money well spent.”
Basic Tracking, Laminated ............................978-1-58355-778-5 ......$7.95
Building a Survival Kit, Laminated .................978-1-58355-779-2 ......$7.95 Dave Marcus,
Improvised Hunting Weapons, Laminated .....978-1-58355-780-8 ......$7.95
Improvised Trapping, Laminated ...................978-1-58355-781-5 ......$7.95
Shelter, Fire, Water, Laminated ......................978-1-58355-782-2 ......$7.95
Signaling for Rescue, Laminated ...................978-1-58355-783-9 ......$7.95
Wilderness First Aid, Laminated ....................978-1-58355-784-6 ......$7.95