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DISASTER                                                               DURAGUIDE

              SURVIVAL                                               OUTDOOR RECREATION

            The Waterford Press Disaster Survival Series equips readers   For both dedicated and casual outdoor enthusiasts, the
            with preparedness, survival, and recovery skills from common   Waterford Press Duraguide  Series provides readers with the
            North American disasters. Contents are based on the FEMA   basic and advanced skills needed for a variety of activities such
            approach, reviewed by experts, and presented in our handy   as camping, boating, fishing, and hunting. Most Duraguides are
            folding pocket guide format. Our series includes four titles   printed on waterproof, rip-proof paper, while others are available
            released in Spanish.                                                       in our highly popular laminated format.

            Trim size: 3 ¾” x 8 ¼” folded trim size, with spine               Trim size: 3 ¾” x 8 ¼” folded trim size, with spine
            Format: Laminated folding guide                                   Format: Waterproof and laminated folding guides
            Price: $7.95 US                                                                             Price: $7.95 US
            Carton Quantity: 100                                                                   Carton Quantity: 100

            IN ENGLISH                                             Title                       ISBN            (USD)
                                                        Price      Animal Skulls & Bones, Waterproof ...............978-1-58355-558-3 ......$7.95
            Title                        ISBN           (USD)
                                                                   Animal Tracking, Waterproof .........................978-1-58355-551-4 ......$7.95
            Earthquake Survival ......................................978-1-58355-858-4 ......$7.95  Boat & Water Safety, Waterproof...................978-1-58355-519-4 ......$7.95
            Extreme Cold Survival ...................................978-1-58355-862-1 ......$7.95  Field Dressing Game, Waterproof .................978-1-58355-534-7 ......$7.95
            Extreme Heat Survival ...................................978-1-58355-859-1 ......$7.95  Freshwater Fishing, Waterproof ....................978-1-58355-535-4 ......$7.95
            Extreme Heat Survival - Australia ..................978-1-58355-982-6 ......$7.95  Outdoor Knots, Waterproof * ........................978-1-58355-536-1 ......$7.95
            Flood Survival ...............................................978-1-58355-860-7 ......$7.95
            Hurricane Survival, 2nd Ed ............................978-1-62005-285-3 ......$7.95  * Outdoor Knots, Waterproof ISBN will change to 978-1-62005-292-1
            Tornado Survival ...........................................978-1-58355-863-8 ......$7.95  effective October 2018.
            Wildfire Survival ............................................978-1-58355-864-5 ......$7.95

                                                                          Some retailers may prefer a laminated option over the
            EN ESPAÑOL                                                          waterproof for the Duraguide Series.
                                                        Price                 The content is identical on both versions.
            Title                        ISBN           (USD)
            Supervivencia De Huracan (Hurricane) ..........978-1-58355-893-5 ......$7.95  LAMINATED
            Supervivencia De Inundacion (Flood) ............978-1-58355-892-8 ......$7.95                      Price
            Supervivencia De Terremoto (Earthquake) .....978-1-58355-891-1 ......$7.95  Title  ISBN            (USD)
            Supervivencia De Tornado (Tornado) .............978-1-58355-894-2 ......$7.95
                                                                   Animal Skulls & Bones, Laminated ................978-1-58355-796-9 ......$7.95
                                                                   Animal Tracking, Laminated ..........................978-1-58355-797-6 ......$7.95
                                                                   Boat & Water Safety, Laminated ...................978-1-58355-798-3 ......$7.95
                                                                   Camping 101, Laminated .............................978-1-58355-799-0 ......$7.95
                                                                   Field Dressing Game, Laminated ..................978-1-58355-801-0 ......$7.95
                                                                   Freshwater Fishing, Laminated .....................978-1-58355-802-7 ......$7.95
                                                                   Outdoor Knots, Laminated ...........................978-1-58355-803-4 ......$7.95

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