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         The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing.
         complete  the  Declaration  of  Appraiser  section   2. The appraisal resulted in:  Responsibility of the IRS.  The IRS is respon-
         on  Form  8283,  Section  B.  More  than  one  ap-  a. A substantial valuation misstatement,  sible  for  reviewing  appraisals,  but  it  is  not  re-
         praiser  may  appraise  the  property,  provided                        sponsible for making them. Supporting the FMV
         that  each  complies  with  the  requirements,  in-  b. A substantial estate or gift valuation   listed on your return is your responsibility.
         cluding  signing  the  qualified  appraisal  and  the   understatement, or
         Declaration of Appraiser section on Form 8283,   c. A gross valuation misstatement.  The IRS does not accept appraisals without
         Section B.                                                              question.    The  IRS  does  not  recognize  any
            Excluded individuals.   The following indi-  The penalty imposed on the appraiser is the   particular  appraiser  or  organization  of  apprais-
         viduals  cannot  be  qualified  appraisers  for  the   smaller of:
         donated property.                     1. The greater of:                Timing  of  IRS  action.    The  IRS  generally
           1. The donor of the property or the taxpayer   a. 10% of the underpayment due to the   does  not  approve  valuations  or  appraisals  be-
             who claims the deduction.              misstatement, or             fore  the  actual  filing  of  the  tax  return  to  which
           2. The donee of the property.          b. $1,000; or                  the appraisal applies. In addition, the IRS gen-
                                                                                 erally does not issue advance rulings approving
           3. A party to the transaction in which the do-  2. 125% of the gross income received for the   or disapproving such appraisals.
             nor acquired the property being appraised,   appraisal.                Exception.  For a request submitted as de-
             unless the property is donated within 2                             scribed  earlier  under  Art  valued  at  $50,000  or
             months of the date of acquisition and its   No  penalty  is  imposed  if  the  appraiser  can   more,  the  IRS  will  issue  a  Statement  of  Value
             appraised value is not more than its ac-  establish  that  the  appraisal’s  value  is  more   that can be relied on by the donor of the item of
             quisition price. This applies to the person   likely than not correct.  art.
             who sold, exchanged, or gave the prop-  In  addition,  any  appraiser  who  falsely  or
             erty to the donor, or any person who acted   fraudulently overstates the value of property de-
                                             that the appraiser has signed may be subject to  Penalty
             as an agent for the transferor or donor in   scribed in a qualified appraisal of a Form 8283
             the transaction.                a civil penalty for aiding and abetting as under-
           4. Any person employed by any of the above   statement of tax liability, and may have their ap-  You may be liable for a penalty if you misstate
             persons. For example, if the donor ac-  praisal disregarded.        the value or adjusted basis of donated property.
             quired a painting from an art dealer, nei-
             ther the dealer nor persons employed by   Form 8283                 20%  penalty.    The  penalty  is  20%  of  the  un-
             the dealer can be qualified appraisers for                          derpayment  of  tax  related  to  the  misstatement
             that painting.                                                      if:
           5. Any person related under section 267(b)   Generally, if the claimed deduction for an item   • The value or adjusted basis claimed on the
                                             of  donated  property  is  more  than  $5,000,  you
             of the Internal Revenue Code to any of the   must  attach  Form  8283  to  your  tax  return  and   return is 150% or more of the correct
             above persons or married to a person rela-  complete Section B.         amount, and
             ted under section 267(b) to any of the                                • You underpaid your tax by more than
             above persons.                     If you do not attach Form 8283 to your return   $5,000 because of the misstatement.
           6. An appraiser who appraises regularly for a   and complete Section B, the deduction will not   40% penalty.   The penalty is 40%, rather than
                                             be allowed unless your failure was due to rea-
             person in (1), (2), or (3), and who does not   sonable  cause  and  not  willful  neglect,  or  was   20%, if:
             perform a majority of their appraisals   due to a good faith omission.  • The value or adjusted basis claimed on the
             made during their tax year for other per-                               return is 200% or more of the correct
             sons.                              You must attach a separate Form 8283 for   amount, and
           7. An individual who receives a prohibited   each item of contributed property that is not part   • You underpaid your tax by more than
             appraisal fee for the appraisal of the dona-  of a group of similar items. If you contribute sim-  $5,000 because of the misstatement.
             ted property. See Prohibited appraisal fee,   ilar items of property to the same donee organi-
                                             those  items.  If  you  contribute  similar  items  of  How To Get Tax Help
             earlier.                        zation, you need attach only one Form 8283 for
           8. An individual who is prohibited from prac-  property to more than one donee organization,
             ticing before the IRS under section 330(c)   you  must  attach  a  separate  form  for  each  do-  If  you  have  questions  about  a  tax  issue;  need
             of title 31 of the United States Code at any   nee.                 help preparing your tax return; or want to down-
             time during the 3‐year period ending on                             load free publications, forms, or instructions, go
             the date the appraisal is signed by the in-  IRS Review of Appraisals  to to find resources that can help you
             dividual.                                                           right away.
            In  addition,  an  individual  is  not  a  qualified   In reviewing an income tax return, the IRS may
         appraiser  for  a  particular donation  if the  donor   accept the claimed value of the donated prop-  Preparing  and  filing  your  tax  return.    After
         had knowledge of facts that would cause a rea-  erty,  based  on  information  or  appraisals  sent   receiving  all  your  wage  and  earnings  state-
         sonable  person  to  expect  the  appraiser  to   with the return, or may make its own determina-  ments (Forms W-2, W-2G, 1099-R, 1099-MISC,
         falsely overstate the value of the donated prop-  tion of FMV. In either case, the IRS may:  1099-NEC, etc.); unemployment compensation
         erty.  For  example,  if  the  donor  and  the  ap-  • Contact the taxpayer to get more informa-  statements  (by  mail  or  in  a  digital  format)  or
         praiser  make  an  agreement  concerning  the   tion;                   other  government  payment  statements  (Form
         amount  at  which  the  property  will  be  valued,   • Refer the valuation problem to an IRS ap-  1099-G); and interest, dividend, and retirement
         and the donor knows that amount is more than   praiser or valuation specialist;  statements  from  banks  and  investment  firms
         the FMV of the property, the appraiser is not a   • Refer the issue to Art Appraisal Services   (Forms  1099),  you  have  several  options  to
         qualified appraiser for the donation.   (AAS), a department of professional ap-  choose from to prepare and file your tax return.
                                                                                 You can prepare the tax return yourself, see if
            Appraiser  penalties.  An  appraiser  who   praisers who consults with the Commis-  you qualify for free tax preparation, or hire a tax
         prepares  an  incorrect  appraisal  may  have  to   sioner's Art Advisory Panel, a group of in-  professional to prepare your return.
                                                 dependent dealers and curators. A referral
         pay a penalty if:                       to AAS is mandatory for fine and decora-
           1. The appraiser knows or reasonably should   tive art valued at $50,000 or more; or  Free  options  for  tax  preparation.    Go  to
                                                                         to  see  your  options  for  preparing  and
             have known the appraisal would be used   • Contract with an independent appraiser to
             in connection with a return or claim for re-  appraise the property when the objects re-
             fund,; and                          quire appraisers of highly specialized ex-
                                                 perience and knowledge.
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