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         The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing.
         reason.  Generally,  this  method  serves  to  sup-  Interest rate.   The applicable interest rate var-  death benefit) and there was no insurance ele-
         port the value determined from other methods.   ies. It is announced monthly in a news release   ment when it was transferred to the charity, the
         When the replacement cost method is applied   and published in the Internal Revenue Bulletin   policy is treated as an annuity contract.
         to improved realty, the land and improvements   as a Revenue Ruling. The interest rate to use is
         are valued separately.              under  the  heading  “Rate  Under  Section  7520”   Partial Interest in Property
                                             for  a  given  month  and  year.  You  can  call  the   Not in Trust
            The replacement cost of a building is figured   IRS office at 800-829-1040 to obtain this rate.
         by  considering  the  materials,  the  quality  of
         workmanship, and the number of square feet or   Actuarial tables.   You need to refer to actua-  Generally, no deduction is allowed for a charita-
         cubic feet in the building. This cost represents   rial tables to determine a qualified interest in the   ble contribution, not made in trust, of less than
         the  total  cost  of  labor  and  material,  overhead,   form of an annuity, any interest for life or a term   your  entire  interest  in  property.  However,  this
         and profit. After the replacement cost has been   of years, or any remainder interest to a charita-  does  not  apply  to  a  transfer  of  less  than  your
         figured, consideration must be given to the fol-  ble organization.     entire interest if it is a transfer of:
         lowing factors.                        Use the valuation tables set forth in IRS Pub   • A remainder interest in your personal resi-
           • Physical deterioration—the wear and tear   1457,  Actuarial  Valuations,  Version  3A;  and   dence or farm,
             on the building itself.         Pub  1458,  Actuarial  Valuations,  Version  3B.   • An undivided part of your entire interest in
           • Functional obsolescence—usually in older   Both  of  these  publications  provide  tables  con-  property, or
             buildings with, for example, inadequate   taining actuarial factors to be used in determin-  • A qualified conservation contribution.
             lighting, plumbing, or heating; small rooms;   ing the present value of an annuity, an interest
             or a poor floor plan.           for life or a term of years, or a remainder or re-  Remainder Interest in Real
           • Economic obsolescence—outside forces   versionary  interest.  For  qualified  charitable   Property
             causing the whole area to become less de-  transfers, you can use the factor for the month
             sirable.                        in which you made the contribution or for either   The amount of the deduction for a donation of a
                                             of the 2 months preceding that month.  remainder interest in real property is the FMV of
         Interest in a Business                 Pub. 1457 also contains actuarial factors for   the remainder interest at the time of the contri-
                                             computing the value of a remainder interest in a   bution. To determine this value, you must know
         The FMV of any interest in a closely held busi-  charitable remainder annuity trust and a pooled   the FMV of the property on the date of the con-
                                             income fund. Pub. 1458 contains the factors for
                                                                                 tribution. Multiply this value by  the  appropriate
         ness  (whether  a  sole  proprietorship  or  a  busi-  valuing the remainder interest in a charitable re-  factor. Pubs. 1457 and 1458 contain these fac-
         ness  taxed  as  a  corporation  or  partnership)  is   mainder unitrust. You can download Pubs 1457   tors.
         the  amount  that  a  willing  buyer  would  pay  for   and  1458 from Tables containing  ac-
         the interest to a willing seller after consideration   tuarial  factors  for  transfers  to  pooled  income   You must make an adjustment for deprecia-
         of all relevant factors. Because of the many fac-  funds may also be found in Regulations section   tion or depletion using the factors shown in Pub.
         tors to be considered in determining the FMV of   1.642(c)-6(e)(6), transfers to charitable remain-  1459,  Actuarial  Valuations,  Version  3C.  You
         an interest in a closely held business, the help   der unitrusts in Regulations section 1.664-4(e),   can use the factors for the month in which you
         of experts is usually required. Such a determi-  and  other  transfers  in  Regulations  section   made  the  contribution  or  for  either  of  the  2
         nation requires the consideration of all available   20.2031-7(d)(6).   months  preceding  that  month.  See  on  Annui-
         financial data, as well as all relevant factors af-                     ties,  Interests  for  Life  or  Terms  of  Years,  Re-
         fecting FMV. The following factors, although not   Special factors.   If you need a special factor   mainders,  and  Reversions,  earlier.  You  can
         all-inclusive, may be helpful.      for an actual transaction, you can request a let-  download Pub. 1459 from
           • The business's net worth and prospective   ter ruling. Be sure to include the date of birth of
             earning power.                  each person the duration of whose life may af-  For  this  purpose,  the  term  “depreciable
           • The nature and history of the business.  fect the value of the interest. Also include cop-  property”  means  any  property  subject  to  wear
           • The economic outlook of the industry in   ies  of  the  relevant  instruments.  The  IRS   and tear or obsolescence, even if not used in a
             which the business operates.    charges a user fee for providing special factors.  trade  or  business  or  for  the  production  of  in-
           • The business's position in the industry, its   For more information about requesting a rul-  come.
             competitors, and its management.
           • The FMV of assets of the business includ-  ing, see Revenue Procedure 2022-1 (or annual   If  the  remainder  interest  includes  both  de-
             ing goodwill, if applicable.                                        preciable and nondepreciable property, for ex-
           • The value of interests in businesses en-  For information on the circumstances under   ample, a house and land, the FMV must be allo-
             gaged in the same or similar industries.  which  a  charitable  deduction  may  be  allowed   cated between each kind of property at the time
                                             for the donation of a partial interest in property
            You  should  keep  complete  financial  and   not in trust, see Partial Interest in Property Not   of  the  contribution.  This  rule  also  applies  to  a
         other  information  on  which  the  valuation  is   in Trust, later.    gift  of  a  remainder  interest  that  includes  prop-
         based. This includes copies of reports of exami-                        erty that is part depletable and part not depleta-
         nations  of  the  business  made  by  accountants,   Certain Life Insurance and   ble. Take into account depreciation or depletion
         engineers, or any technical experts on or close   Annuity Contracts     only for the property that is subject to deprecia-
         to the valuation date.                                                  tion or depletion.
                                                                                    For more information, see Regulations sec-
         Annuities, Interests for Life       The value of an annuity contract or a life insur-  tion 1.170A-12.
                                             ance policy issued by a company regularly en-
         or Terms of Years,                  gaged in the sale of such contracts or policies is
         Remainders, and Reversions          the  amount  that  company  would  charge  for  a   Undivided Part of Your Entire
                                             comparable contract.                Interest
         The  value  of  these  kinds  of  property  is  their   But  if  the  donee  of  a  life  insurance  policy
         present  value,  except  in  the  case  of  annuities   may reasonably be expected to cash the policy   A contribution of an undivided part of your entire
         under contracts issued by companies regularly   rather  than  hold  it  as  an  investment,  then  the   interest  in  property  must  consist  of  a  part  of
         engaged  in  their  sale.  The  valuation  of  these   FMV is the cash surrender value rather than the   each and every substantial interest or right you
         commercial annuity contracts and of insurance   replacement cost.       own in the property. It must extend over the en-
         policies is discussed later under Certain Life In-                      tire term of your interest in the property. For ex-
         surance and Annuity Contracts.         If an annuity is payable under a combination   ample, you are entitled to the income from cer-
                                             annuity  contract  and  life  insurance  policy  (for   tain  property  for  your  life  (life  estate)  and  you
            To determine present value, you must know   example,  a  retirement  income  policy  with  a   contribute 20% of that life estate to a qualified
         the applicable interest rate and use actuarial ta-                      organization. You can claim a deduction for the
         bles.                                                                   contribution  if  you  do  not  have  any  other
         Publication 561 (January 2023)                                                                        Page 7
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